State Legislative Races Matter

The high taxes, wasteful spending and political corruption all lead to Michael Madigan.

While much of the election focus has been on the race for president, Illinois voters must not lose sight of the significance of the many races for State Representative and State Senator. In order for any change to begin in Illinois or for Illinois to even begin heading in the right direction, the Illinois legislature MUST change hands. Again, the Illinois legislature MUST change hands.

The Evil Leprechaun, Michael Madigan, has been speaker of the Illinois House for 30 of the past 32 years. All, and again I repeat, ALL of the shady pension deals, tax increases, out-of-control spending can be tied to Mike Madigan. The state debt can be tied to Mike Madigan. The corruption can be tied to Mike Madigan. The public employee pensions that allow Chicago Teacher’s Union President Karen Lewis to get her pension based on her salary as CTU President and not when she was a teacher – at taxpayer expense – can be tied to Mike Madigan.

The income tax increase can be tied to Mike Madigan. The high property taxes can be tied to Mike Madigan. The $9 billion debt and $120 billion pension debt can be tied to Mike Madigan. Now, before you say, “Well Mike Madigan is not on my ballot so I can’t vote against him,” the reality is he is on your ballot. EVERY Democrat in the Illinois Legislature, whether it’s the House or even the Senate, gets his or her marching orders from Mike Madigan, as well as from Senate PresidentJohn Cullerton.

So, if you vote for Dan Kotowski, who is running for the Illinois Senate in the 33rd District that runs from Park Ridge to Roselle and Schaumburg, then you are voting for Mike Madigan and John Cullerton. You are voting for higher taxes. You are voting for political corruption. You are voting for continued debt. You are voting against your own economic well being. Despite the slam ads from the Democrats, Kotowski’s opponent, Jim O’Donnell is a quality candidate who will vote for the welfare of Illinois residents and not against them.

Kotowski voted for the record tax increase back in January 2011. Kotowski claims he stands up to his own party, the Democrats. Really, Dan, how is that? Aren’t you one of the leaders of the Democratic Senate? Aren’t you one of Chicago Democrat’s John Cullerton’s right-hand men in the Senate? Just remember, Kotowski voted for tax increases and stands side-by-side with the Chicago Democrats who run this state.

If you vote for David Page, then you are voting for Mike Madigan and John Cullerton and against your own economic well being. Page is running against incumbent State Senator Matt Murphy in the 27th District, who is one of the most highly respected members of the Senate. Murphy always votes with the best interests of the Illinois taxpayer.

Or voting for Julie Morrison against Arie Friedman in the 29th District would deprive the northern suburbs and the state of Illinois of one of the most impressive candidates in Illinois. Friedman is a doctor who can explain medical issues with the best of them. He also is military. He is a businessman. Julie Morrison is nothing but a Democratic hack who will do the bidding of Mike Madigan and John Cullerton.

Morrison claims Friedman, who is pro-choice, supports pro-life organizations. Morrison has an aid that says Arie Friedman gives “bad prescriptions.”

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