Expect to see this in the Pantagraph Update Update #2

The Pantagraph printed Rob Fazzini’s letter today KNOWING he didn’t write it.  Thanks Pantagraph!

I know the Pantagraph is aware of this post.  When they print the Rob Fazzini letter, are they going to add Mike Matejka’s name?  If you don’t know who Mike Matejka is: http://www.bntrades.org/link.php?id=2 

This part was sent to the people getting petitions signed to put a referendum on the March ballot:

On Thursday, December 12, 2013 7:12 PM, Robert Fazzini <[email protected]> wrote:

There has be some negative push back regarding my comments about not being worried about the modified ward system requiring a higher bar to run for office.  With that in mind, I was convinced to write an explanation which Mike Matejka completely revised changing my version defending the statement with facts and figures to the more gentle version you see below.  It is good to have friends with talent!

Robert B. Fazzini

This is the Fazzini Letter to the Editor, it should be printed soon.

From: Robert Fazzini [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2013 7:08 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Letter to the Editor
As elected officials, we are used to negative publicity and comments taken out of context.
As a citizen, I am leading an effort to change our form of government from a pure ward system to a system that includes wards and also some at-large representatives.   As a voter, you may or may not agree with the change.  That is what democracy is all about, and next spring we will see what the public decides.
A statement I made, taken out of context, was “that the job of governing is much more difficult and time consuming that the act of running for office, so increasing the difficulty of running for office under a modified ward system is actually a good thing.”  I can see where the second half of this statement could be misunderstood.  Please let me clarify.
My intention was that although a political campaign is a challenge, even more time-consuming and challenging is governing effectively.   A campaign takes a few months and is very intense.  Governing is the long distance race.  One must learn local government, community and business needs, be present at community events and learn to listen effectively.
I welcome and encourage every citizen who seeks elected or appointed office.  The pay is small, but the community service reward is great.  My intent in the statement was not to discourage candidates; rather I hoped that an at-large race might help a candidate consider the larger challenge they are taking on and thus be prepared.   I welcome debate on the modified ward proposal prior to the vote on March 18, 2014.  My apologies if my words were misunderstood, but let our focus be considering the issue.
Robert B. Fazzini
Ward 8 Alderman

5 thoughts on “Expect to see this in the Pantagraph Update Update #2

  1. Fazzini still can’t get it right. Here is his statement “I want to make it more difficult to run for office because the more difficult it is to run for office, the more you want it and the more you want it the better job you’re going to do when you’re elected.”

  2. As elected officials, we are used to negative publicity and comments taken out of context,,,so we will use this statement as an excuse. Even when proven wrong, we will deny, deny, and deny. If that doesn’t work we will hire a public relations expert to deny it for us so we do not have to face the people that we are here (lol) to serve.

  3. ” I was convinced to write an explanation which Mike Matejka completely revised changing my version defending the statement with facts and figures to the more gentle version you see below. It is good to have friends with talent!”

    This idiot sends out an email admitting these aren’t even his own words or feelings!! Citizen Comrade Fuzzlenuts, someone long ago must of told you that you were an important person, and you believed him! Gadzooks!

  4. It really frightens me that we have people like this in government. The worse part (and it’s hard to determine with so much fodder) of all this is that he signs his name as Ward 8 Alderman. So let me get this straight. He’s private citizen Fazzini while he gathers signatures, freely admits he’s the driving force behind this and signs his name Alderman Fazzini. There’s no way he can pull off a petition drive and not at the same time be representing the City of Bloomington. These roles clearly overlap for him as his letter well illustrates. At best this is unethical, at worst illegal. What’s even more frightening is that it continues to go unchecked. I would think Alderman Fazzini would be keeping a low profile right now, but he’s not that smart. The more he opens his mouth the worse his petition drive looks. And talk about spin. I don’t understand a damn thing he just said. I must ask why he’s so passionate about giving voters a choice. Why aren’t other issues on the City Council agenda up for vote? I hope Bloomington residents wake up, and see through all of it. This is one of the worst power grabs I’ve ever seen on a local level. I think Alderman Fazzini is better suited for service in Springfield right next to Mike Madigan. Wake up Bloomington, Mike Matejka owns Fazzini. All we need now is three more “at large” Council members just like him. Political cronyism at its worse.

  5. In a newsletter to the citizens of his ward Fazzini stated ” I might not agree with what either petition proposes, but I will support the effort to get each one on the ballot for the voters to decide the manner in which they prefer to be governed.” Now in his letter to the Editor written by a representative of a special interest groups he states “As a citizen, I AM LEADING an effort to change our form of government from a pure ward system to a system that includes wards and also some at-large representatives.” Alderman Fazzini and Mike Matejka need to get their story straight.

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