Hotel: What you aren’t suppose to remember

I wrote this article 10/1/2014. Now Renner wants you to buy the property again. Bailout for friends of government?

15 thoughts on “Hotel: What you aren’t suppose to remember

    1. Good question, lots of people working on discovery. Be informed and share the information. Attending Council meeting and talk during public comment. I will keep advising.

    2. Facebook seems to be one possible focal point of social media to organize against Renner.

      I saw where someone suggested that for posting pictures of the streets and potholes on the bird cage paper website. Absolutely Renner and Hales deserve all the credit they rightfully are owners of. They should be exposed for what they are including the potted plant council members.

    3. There is a man who spoke at Monday’s meeting about a referendum but I’m not sure what the process is or if there are deadlines.

      1. Hauman said that less than 10% voted in the last election, therefore a referendum is meaningless. They want this decided in the next 4 weeks.

      2. The Council plans to vote on this by July 1st. Good old fashion public outcry may be the quickest way–think recent CCHS/Fruin episode and Renner “censure.”

  1. Ensenberger building, I wonder how those condo sales are working out. The bird cage liner newspaper ran an article on that building a few months ago and things didn’t look too good as far as sales. Way over priced and why someone would want to view downtown roof tops is beyond me. We’re not talking Chicago here. Just another fleecing of the taxpayer by government meddling in something they shouldn’t be into.

    If it was so great then why isn’t the mayor, city manager, or a potted plant living in the downtown area. Oh I know they are holding back in anticipation of the millennials moving there.

    With all of the Rte 66 tourist the millennials will have some competition for that prime condo real estate. After visiting the Koos Museum they are just screaming “hey I want to live here”.

    About the only way you would get any return on your condo investment would be to buy and do a reverse mortgage and when you die it becomes a bank or mortgage company problem to sell it.

  2. Take pictures of various pot holes and massive code violations of various neighborhood issue and post pics of potted plants alderman with them. Put a face with a name on those problems. Circulate within said neighborhood. Wake up your own neighborhood to start. Heck walk around with a petition to oppose this madness. Present at next council meeting. Hales is always asking for citizen involvement so give it to him!

  3. Hauman said that less than 10% voted in the last election, therefore a referendum is meaningless. >>> Which also means that she has very little support. Finding opposition in that ward would probably outnumber the votes she got if someone would just do it.

  4. Another waste of taxpayer money……by the city of Bloomington
    Great track record! NOT!–BUA

    BLOOMINGTON–A downtown site once occupied by a rundown hotel could soon have a new purpose. City leaders are searching for a buyer to develop a small portion of East Washington Street. It’s where the Coachman Hotel used to be. The 1960’s hotel used to be a lavish location, but in recent years had turned into an eye sore and source of crime. Crews demolished it in 2009. Now the city wants to turn the nearly one acre of land into a place benefitting residents and the downtown business association. “Also, the tax base in Bloomington,” adds Economic Development Coordinator Justine Robinson. “Right now the property is sitting vacant and it’s not producing anything. So there’s a tremendous opportunity to get this generating not only for our citizens but for our city as a whole.” The asking price is about $300,000 dollars. The site will most likely be used for retail purposes

  5. Note, the ciproud Coachman story was from 2012 and not 2009. Still sitting as a vacant empty lot.

    1. “Right now the property is sitting vacant and it’s not producing anything. So there’s a tremendous opportunity to get this generating not only for our citizens but for our city as a whole.” The asking price is about $300,000 dollars. The site will most likely be used for retail purposes.

      Next year it will still be vacant most likely

  6. The best way to do this is to organize folks and to this collectively. If everyone is going in their own direction, nothing is going to get accomplished. How about one of you taking the lead?

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