Pantagraph deceives citizens AGAIN

By:  Diane Benjamin

Maybe the local reporters aren’t very smart.  Maybe the City is writing the articles for them.  Either way, the result is to make sure citizens never know the truth.

Today the Pantagraph did it again.

Instead of reporting the AUDITED LOSS from last year, reporter Maria Nagle used the number CIAM reported – ($183,727).  It was only off by $599,218.  Page 6.  She wrote about CIAM’s presentation tonight and their fictional reported loss this year of almost $500,000.


Somehow Maria Nagle knew the 4/30/2014 audited Coliseum financial statements listed Depreciation of $854,532.  She included depreciation in today’s story and then ignored everything else the auditors reported.

EVERY year the auditors have discovered expenses CIAM “forgot” to include in the year-end numbers.  How did they forget almost $600,000 last year?  Think maybe you should check on that Maria?

I didn’t think so.

John Butler and Bart Rogers will continue the scam tonight.  The closed parking garage will be blamed for the losses, even though it only has a couple hundred parking places.

Maybe some Alderman should ask them to explain this from last year’s audit:  Page 7.


What employees got paid $1,675,402?  Maria?  Maria?  In actual cash, the Coliseum spent $1,329,697 more than it took in.  I wonder who paid the bills?  Maria?  Maria?  I know, too difficult to understand.  Hint:  I doubt they printed the needed funds.






3 thoughts on “Pantagraph deceives citizens AGAIN

  1. Since the 93-page report had little financial information, your researched information and more was shared with the Council and Mayor via the City website prior to the Committee of the Whole Meeting. No comments or questions to CIAM from the Council about finances, just philosophy of management. Like poor management??

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