Andy Update

Lots of people asked me over the weekend about Andy (husband), so here’s the latest:

He has been at home for a little less than 2 weeks.  He needs little help getting around or taking care of himself, but he is still really tired.  He isn’t capable of doing regular tasks yet.

I know a couple of you still don’t understand Andy is walking miracle.  So here’s another story:

Yesterday we went to see the first nurse who took care of Andy at St. Joe’s.  We had ONE special nurse at both St. Joe’s and St Francis – Barb was the one here.

Barb saw me first – then Andy.  Her eyes teared up and she immediately had to give him a hug.  Of course, Andy remembers nothing other than what we have told him.  Barb called him a miracle and stated he gave her a really hard time.  (His blood pressure got extremely high along with other problems that made him very unstable).  Barb said she thought he would be hospitalized for at least 2 more months.

Then it dawned on the lady working the desk in ICU who he was – she referred to him by his old room number.  Then she said she was going to cry.  If you get a chance to go back and say thanks to caregivers, do it.  They really appreciated seeing how great Andy is doing.

People don’t recover this fast from what Andy had.  He still has some short-term memory problems, but therapy is working on it.

Thanks again for all the prayers – there is no other explanation for the miracles the last 6 weeks.

I got the first bill in the mail today.  Apparently some doctors I’ve never heard of consulted early on.

My daughter set up a funding page to help with expenses.  Even if you can’t contribute, read her version of the events:



3 thoughts on “Andy Update

  1. I’m so glad to know Andy is doing well. What a wonderful blessing. Praying his recovery continues this miraculously.

  2. I have to tell u. What a wonderful outcome. How well I know. When bob was hit in 1994 out at the Lexington curves while working for the state police, he died twice inside while transportingin the Lexington ambulance and lifelines equipment thrown in Lexington s ambulance during a blizzard. He was that bad. He had lost so much blood. . I beat him to the hospital. They come and got me in a squad. We lived in fairbury at the time. He had worked all day before getting called out to a truck in the ditch in a blizzard. When he got there a trooper had already taken that call and they sent him to Lexington to a car in the ditch with people in it. An ISU college student Hit bobs squad with him in the door doing 80 mph. The kids saw him fly in the air. It snapped the leg. Bob got back in the ditch with the leg dragging and started directing traffic. He wouldn’t answer on ISPERN. So they sent a cop that he trained to find him on the interstate. It took 3 hits to bob to get him down in the ground. I heard it all happen on the scanner. Marcus Lucas who was the trooper told the radio people to send an ambulance. It was him. Marcus was breathless Bob was in shock. They told me that if they would of had to go much farther he would have died. They got to bromenn and Dustman was on call. He reattached the leg. I was up over 36 hours. I watched CNN at night with his accident on there ( before they got corrupt) They finally made me go home after 3 days. When I got home I just bawled I guess it was emotions and trying to stay strong for everybody else. but after 10 surgeries here at bromenn and 2 more to amputate at Springfield memorial , he lost it around Memorial Day 1994 Dustman tried and tried. The nurses and staff got attached to the case and to him. When we left bromenn bob had over 250 cards sent to him, from strangers. From friends, with 18 bouquets. People brought food in. Later It was hard with so many trips and expenses on therapy in Springfield ( where they amputated) cause therapy was 3 months and it took one year to go back to work. Without the nurses and doctors and outpouring of friends and people I never met, ….. our kids was in kindergarten and fourth grade. I would have gone crazy. My mom watched the kids while I transported him. Caretakers are a dime a dozen but when u get the people that cry with u and hug him and u and keep in contact with u…. they are the ones who love their job and love the patients they serve. They will forever love u. Keep them close to you and Andy. In your heart and soul. Caretakers u are right. There job is hard of what they see everyday. But the ones that we had and that you had, it was our blessing that god gave us bringing them in to help us in our time of need. I’ve been watching your updates and know that I’ve been in your shoes and many more weeks of strength will be needed. But know that i have prayed for u and your husband for a complete recovery. I don’t post online because of bobs workings in the federal terrorism unit for the FBI in his last 8 years, it’s why we stay hidden, but watch. It’s why moved where we moved. It’s quiet. Our address changed 3 x!! And I sure miss Renee pinson… we have great people around us. Please know that we are happy for u and you my friend have many many more years with your best friend ahead of u. Thanks to the lord. Friends And all the great caretakers that are in our area and community. We are both blessed women. To have good men by our side. After bobs accident I found out he now has read the Bible 2 x front to back. He became more believing and thankful. He understands life more now. And his family. He prays every morning when he gets up and dressed. A short prayer while sitting in his recliner bent over looking at the floor. He never did that before. He believed but more, he now wears a cross everyday under is short or outside for all to see. It’s all since his recovery. It’s a good change you will never forget this time in your life. And you will always remember who propped u up to stay strong so U could help him. For me it was my mom. She was my caretaker so I could be bobs. And the nurses and the caretakers was a blessing to us both. They gave us hope and his life back. For that, I will forever be grateful.

    Gods speed to u Diane. God love u both. Angela comens.

    Sent from my iPhone

    > On May 30, 2017, at 12:14 PM, BLNNews wrote: > > >

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