True Public Servant (cough cough)

By:  Diane Benjamin

Being a government employee living off money stolen from hard-working taxpayers must not come with a course in what shouldn’t ever be said in public.  I’m sure some laugh with each other about the sweet benefits they get and the life long spiked pension they will collect that increases automatically every year.  Most would likely not brag about it in public.

Then there’s this guy:

His shirt says Library on it. The name tag around his neck said Bloomington, I couldn’t read his name.

He was at Lowes buying bags of dirt. He got in line at a register where a lady had been waiting for a manager to show up for quite a while. There was no cashier, only one was on duty and she had switched to the other register.

When he was told there was no cashier at the register he was in line for, his response was:  “I don’t care I’m on the clock anyway”.

Even if that was an off-hand flippant comment, it’s sad that was the first thought in his brain.

How about a 5 minute course on how to make taxpayers pretend you care when you are wearing City apparel?

I wonder how many people in line live in Bloomington and pay his salary?  I bet they were impressed!









20 thoughts on “True Public Servant (cough cough)

  1. The only thing that could have made this more of an issue, if he was driving a government vehicle.

    1. “He doesn’t represent the average government worker.”

      Maybe not in a decent, well managed City or State. But in Tari’s Bloomington, Illinois–Oh Yeah! He’s a poster boy for “average government workers”, at least those hired in the last 5 years, where it’s all about ideology, not ability.

  2. Heck, there was a Bloomington police officer the other day at McDonalds in line for whatever and he was 5 back, SUV running and He’s on the clock! WHAT if an emergency call comes in? Do BLOOMINGTON LIVES MATTER??

    1. Do you expect them to clock out, go to lunch, and them come back to work? You get this week’s award for a stupid post.

    1. Employees are allowed to have a coffe break and lunch break. (Remember the female office that was verbally assalted at the McDonalds) It is quite another thing to do personal shopping while “on the clock.” If the Library employee was on lunch break, he would have been in more of a hurry. He was foolish to say anything.

      1. The Library is having a program on May 17 called “Dig It at Sunnyside Park” hence the need for dirt. Mystery solved.

  3. “He might have been buying it for the library beds. He was eventually behind me so I don’t know if a pcard was involved.”

    Diane, you could have easily called downtown and asked, but instead you’re trying to make a mountain out of a probable mole hill. You lose credibility when you do this.

  4. Agree with Yamaha2004. You have NEWS in the name of your blog. Do. Your. Job. Stop speculating and report the facts. Or you could have mittenpaws continue to do your legwork. Jeez…

    1. Rich–one of the points of the article is found in its first sentence: “Being a government employee living off money stolen from hard-working taxpayers must not come with a course in what shouldn’t ever be said in public.” Near the end of the article it says, “How about a 5 minute course on how to make taxpayers pretend you care when you are wearing City apparel?”
      The point here is, perhaps the employee could have chosen his words more carefully or said nothing about having to wait in line rather than announcing that “he is on the clock anyway.”

  5. You guys are funny. We should fire all government employees. All of them. Let the water go unpurified, books left on the shelf — never checked out, houses to burn. Let’s all fend for ourselves. News means not reporting innuendo and 2nd hand hearsay without verifying the veracity of what was said. Did you talk with the employee? Or the library? No. Will say it again: do. your. job.

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