October 4th FEMA/FCC test

By: Diane Benjamin

FYI: I’m not impressed with how many people clicked this link yesterday and watched the video. Life demands more than memes folks. It’s the weekend, take 5 minutes! https://www.thefp.com/p/video-the-free-press-meets-democratic-socialists?r=2d31np#play

When we are constantly lied to by government it is difficult to believe anything. Many so called conspiracy theories turned out to be true. Right now I don’t believe this one falls into that category.

Conspiracy theories are floating about the test FEMA and the FCC are planning for October 4th.

See the website detailing the test: https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20230803/fema-and-fcc-plan-nationwide-emergency-alert-test-oct-4-2023

Cell phones should receive a text message sometime between 1:20 and 2:00 pm. I don’t know why bad weather could delay the test, but a backup test date is set for October 11th.

This is not the first test and probably won’t be the last. Since most of the floating conspiracies involve “noise”, if you are worried about it turn the sound off or shut off your phone.

8 thoughts on “October 4th FEMA/FCC test

  1. I clicked it to discover whether or not my County Board member is one. He told me he is a Progressive. To me that’s an undercover nice name for MARXIST

  2. “the coming December lockdowns,” do tell…. I’m interested to see just what source you have for this.

  3. Interesting speculation. After all the failures of the democrats concerning Covid “science” and the overbearing lockdowns that are proven failures, to what further extent will democrats go to force social control now? Will they back off or will they double down to new authoritarian levels?

  4. It didn’t play on my Android. Watched it on an iPad this am.

    Apparently Those pathetic people are scared to death of Covid. They definitely go to the Covidien church with their masks and everything.

    They’re eating well. Venezuela shows us that “democratic socialism” leads to a lot fewer fat folks as there’s shortages of food like everything else.

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