Fly on the Wall: Kathy Michael

I know all - I see all
I know all – I see all
[email protected]

I hear County Clerk Kathy Michael is confused as to where her office money comes from.  On the last day of the year she orders employees to get on the Internet office supply websites and order whatever they want for their desk, telling them she isn’t giving that money back to the County Board and needs to spend it.

Not the first time I’ve heard this!

WHO’S money is it?.







13 thoughts on “Fly on the Wall: Kathy Michael

  1. Unfortunately, that is the attitude of money people in government. They want to use all the money granted to them for the year so they can always ask for more the following year. If they don’t use it all they are afraid their budget would be trimmed for the upcoming year. Why is that a bad thing if you don’t need the money?

    1. Mickey. I don’t use all the money granted my office every year; and have never, in the 3 years I’ve been in office; asked for more. Each year, I have returned thousands to the General Fund; this year it was approx. $40,000. We buy supplies at the end of every year that we feel we need. Staff is asked to submit a “wish list” of sorts of what they truly need to make their workplace better, for the next year. For some, it’s a new chair, or a back rest, for all of us, it’s supplies we want to make certain we don’t run out of in the next year, knowing we have money in this ending year’s budget. I could ignore this blog. I’m a public official and I’m certainly fair game. When it’s the truth, criticism is deserved. When it’s a lie, it needs to be exposed for what it is. If you want more information and details, come talk with me any time.

    1. MJ, I won’t stand aside any longer and let the lies on this blog stand. Don’t follow like a sheep; it’s good to have a watchdog; we need them; but it’s good also to make sure it’s someone who tells the truth.

  2. That was common place at the C.O.B. If a department did not spend their budgeted amount for each line item, this amount might be reduced in the next budget year. Look at the money spent on the downtown TIF district. Mature trees were remove and replaced with small trees so that the money could be spent.

    1. Not true Diane. In fact, my office returned $39,000 in excess from our 2013 budget to the General Fund.

      1. I like to see proof. I’ve heard the same complaint about your office for years. If you produce documents signed by Matt Sorensen, I’ll take it down and apologize.

  3. Oh I’ll get right on that Diane. Our office has returned money every year in the 3 years I’ve been in office; I’ll await your apology, but I won’t hold my breath. And no, you haven’t heard that complaint for years, you’re making that up, as you do with most of the things here on your blog. You can bully other folks, but it won’t work on me. As I’ve mentioned here before and I’ll continue to do so; come see me, come see our records, come talk to staff, either confidentially or in my office. You had a good thing going Diane; an opportunity to represent the people and be a voice; but you have lost all credibility and you have certainly lost my respect. I’ve advised other people to ignore you, and not give you your 15 minutes of fame that you so desperately need; but I’ll go against my advice and do so here. You wanted to be an elected official and you were defeated. . . overwhelmingly, and now you attack the people you once wanted to be. You’re a hypocrite and apparently a sad woman, desperately seeking some worth. You’re not going to get away with it with me my dear. Bring it on. I don’t like bullies.

  4. I didn’t think you would be honest enough Diane, to post my “rant”. You proved my point to me, if not to others. Be happy and kind to others; it’s a better way to live life. I feel better having responded, even though you won’t post, and I won’t read you again or respond; but I sure feel better. Thank you for once again showing who and what you really are. A sad case, to most who know you.

  5. Diane, you don’t have to try to blackmail or bully me; feel free to post my “rant” now, I’ll wait for your apology later. That’s why I sent it to you, knowing you wouldn’t post it as it hits too close to home. I also hope you will post the other responses I posted to your readers, who are welcome to come by my office and talk with me, and I’ll review the budget, as I’ve always done in the 3 years I’ve been in office. I’ve advised others not to respond to you to give you your 15-minutes of fame, but I don’t mind responding. As I said in my “rant”, I don’t abide bullies. I hope you have a nice Sunday, and I hope you find happiness in your life

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