Tari: How about some truth?

by:  Diane Benjamin

This morning’s appearance by Mayor Renner on Cities 92.9 had at least 3 problems.  Tari claims to be transparent, which would be wonderful.  Unfortunately he gets in the way of transparency.

Per Tari:

1)  This years budget was discussed for 9 months.  really?  In open Council?  NO!

2)  Cuts and Taxes were offset dollar for dollar.  NO!  You and Hales proposed massive new spending.  That massive spending was cut dollar for dollar with tax increases.  That STILL means spending increased Tari.

3)  The City would be breaking a contract if Flamingos weren’t funded.  NO!  The City of Bloomington OWNS the Zoo Tari.  The Zoological Society raises private money.  You forced through a Master Zoo plan, but nowhere in it is $150,000 for flamingos.  So who is going to sue the City and cost a ton of money in legal fees?  The Zoological Society?  Really?

What happened to next years budget

discussions starting now, Tari?

Remember how you promised they would start immediately?   Remember when you started the discussion after this years budget passed but the Council had to stop you from attacking aldermen who you disagree with?  You can’t have a calm discussion about the future?  Are you waiting until next year so you can jam another big spending budget through?

Bloomington Citizens:

The City Master Plan is being updated.  The City wants input from the citizens.  The big spenders were the first to give their input.  Now the rest of you need to be involved.  See the details here:  http://www.cityblm.org/index.aspx?page=18&recordid=739


Even if only 100 citizens respond, the City will claim to have a consensus.

The City has passed a Master Zoo plan.

You have a Master downtown plan.

Everything has a plan.

The standard talking points of Mayor Renner are:  You passed it now you have to fund it.

Of course, that’s right after “We have to plan”.

The motto for Bring It On Bloomington is:  Plan it. See it. Live it.

Keep in mind that what you plan you will be billed for.  As far as I know cutting spending and Quality of Life items isn’t part of the plan.







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