Does McLean County have HIGH property taxes?

The Tax Policy Center looked at property taxes around the country, sorted by county, to find what the highest average tax paid by county was. In 2012, six Illinois counties broke into the top 50, but there was only one Illinois county that was in the top 100 for average home prices. What does that mean? Illinoisans are paying a higher property tax rate than other places around the country. There were 23 Illinois counties ranked nationally and we’ve got all of them ranked below, in order of their average home price. You can also see the average property tax paid in each county and how both figures stack up nation-wide. While they are high, the property taxes don’t come close to some of the taxes paid in New York and New Jersey. If you want the full list of property taxes, see the report here.


Save this for next years budget debate when Renner HAS to raise property taxes!

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