Flex and China: I will ask the questions

by:  Diane Benjamin

I reported previously the Flex got kicked out of their league last year because they refused to travel to the playoffs.   (http://blnnews.com/2014/04/07/bloomington-flex-the-leagues-side-of-the-story/)

Without a League to play in, the Flex started their own.  (http://blnnews.com/2014/08/30/flex-kicked-out-so-start-your-own-league/)

Every major local media outlet has reported that China choose the Flex as the only American team to play a tournament in China.  The media hasn’t reported checking the facts with China, that seems like an important part of the story considering the Flex recent history.  Of all the teams in the United States, China chose the Flex?

Here’s a link to what the Flex is saying about China:  http://www.flexbasketball.com/flex-home-sweet-home-ministries-launch-moments-of-hope/

Here’s the fundraising site – it’s not going well:  https://fundly.com/momentsofhope#gallery/1

Flex owner, Scott Henderson, has more problems though.  He hasn’t paid the 1st or 2nd installment of his property taxes this year:

Henderson2If the China story is true, how is Scott and the team paying to get there?

Isn’t it the job of media to check stories before reporting?  The Pantagraph actually “Cheered” the team raising money and going to China!  Since the Pantagraph doesn’t investigate anything, that’s not too surprising.

Maybe you should ask the questions media didn’t if you are thinking of contributing.





One thought on “Flex and China: I will ask the questions

  1. Heck, if you look at his history of paying property taxes over the last few years, all if the late charges for interest would make a nice donation for his charity

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