Council: Suffering from “Group Think”

Spelling correction – sorry

11 thoughts on “Council: Suffering from “Group Think”

  1. Geesh, Ms. Benjamin if you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen. I’ve never seen a bigger crybaby. “Mayor Renner was mean to me” waah, waah. “Mayor Renner apologized but I won’t accept it because it gives me something to cry about” waah, waah.

    1. Ms. Benjamin is simply pointing out the repetitious behavior of an individual that has the same recurring issue of berating women that disagree with is mismanagement of the city.
      The continued support or lack of real consequences will only encourage Renner to continue such behavior. What might be your reaction R. Kennedy be, if these proverbial oral attacks become physical? Perhaps you should spend some time researching the psychological issues rather than the cover your political ass side, as this mayor has shown obvious signs of an individual that needs professional help. It would be one thing to support him if he were 2 years old and might not know any better but he is a grown man and needs to be held accountable for the good of the community and for himself. Those that continue the barrage of making excuses for this man are not doing him any favors.

    2. R. Kennedy, Diane’s website and she can do what she wants to do and post. She was courteous to allow your posting. Looks kind of childish to me but hey that’s my opinion.

  2. For what it is worth, i emailed my Councelor Jim Fruin Ward 9. I said, “I NAME, ADDRESS. I have one simple question. In light of the Mayors despicable, perhaps even criminal, attacks on Diane Benjamin, are you willing to submit a request to call for a sepecial session to investigate and appropriatly repremand Mayor Renner?” His response, “We are working on that with our City Attorney, Thanks. Jim”

    1. Here’s what they will likely do. Wash their hands of it and say well since this occurred while not acting as mayor it’s a personal issue beyond our control and we can’t officially do anything about this according to our legal advice. We really can’t request his resignation, but rather ask for the consideration to resign.

      Censoring, I’m not sure what form that would take or if it would mean anything. How would you censor someone like that and set the rules? I mean do you say well you can’t have contact with certain individuals? At what point would this violate someone’s freedom of speech?

  3. I think we should have Tari attend mandatory sensitivity courses as well as a course on how to respond to bloggers taught by Lynne and Rob Fazzini. Did you see Lynne’s letter in today’s Pantycrap defending Tari?

      1. Sorry to make lite of a serious situation, but when I read that today, I thought, ok now it’s starting to get comical. I can’t wait to hear the others who are going to line up behind the Fazzini’s: Scott Black, Brexton, Amelia, etc. It will get funny in a hurry. We’ll get a lecture on manners, they’ll slap Tari on the wrist and then tell Bloomington to move on with the people’s business. Note to Bloomington City Council: THIS IS THE PEOPLE’S BUSINESS!

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