WGLT, WJBC – anybody listening? Update

Update: Renner WJBC interview is posted

10 thoughts on “WGLT, WJBC – anybody listening? Update

  1. Listening to Mayor Professor Lawyer on WJBC he states Stark would be responsible for the environmental demolishing “anything environmental is absorbed by Stark” 2:49.
    Now I know when I was on a school board and we demolished an old school the district was eternally responsible for what went to a landfill. The company who did the demolishing wasn’t responsible for what went to a landfill. They had to demolish following environmental rules. I don’t know if I totally agree with the Professor.

    It’s pretty clear he’s hell bent on getting his hotel.

    OMG, he brings up the Rte 66 visitor’s center and all of the interest it spawned. LMAO!!! Wow 80+ y.o. William Shatner is doing Rte 66. Not to jab at the elderly but the younger generation could care less about some Rte. 66 and plenty of those elderly people are dying.

    Joe Haney and his apartments and all of the interest in them…… bull sh***. Nothing against the owners by who in their right mind would pay $1500 a month for rent down there?

    Oh yeah, such great interest down there. Count how many Ensenberger building listings there are.

    Read how one WI city dumped money into a downtown hotel….

    1. Wisconsin is also considering dumping some money into a new arena and entertainment facility with downtown living such as condos and apartments. $250 million in tax payer burden. Nice to see billionaires getting public funding when their state budget has already proposed sweeping cuts and their education system is being refunded. Say one thing and do another.

  2. You bet “Tari has massive interest from developers.” Anytime you have a shovel ready project the cost of the land is so much cheaper than something with structures on it. Developers are always “interested” when they stand to benefit at the taxpayers expense. In the past we’ve had some bad mayors and some not so bad but never, ever an ideological idiot such as tino Tari.

  3. The Mayor’s jabbering was gibberish, he didn’t answer the questions and kept talking over the interviewers. The questions were on point and made him squirm but he’s not in control of the forum at the station. From his comments, he hasn’t read the agreement between Huff and the snake oil salesman. Of course developers don’t want to take the risk of developing in downtown Bloomington — they are businessmen. Those phantom developers need to come out of the woodwork and make their plans known. Stark will only do what is in the estimate…additional work always costs more. I wonder if anyone else noticed the “do not compete” clause in the agreement. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the red flags and flaws in this proposal/agreement.

  4. If there is so much demand for downtown apartments why are the Huffs not renting the Ensenberger condos and turning the Front and Center building into more apartments?

  5. I don’t think this deal is going to see the light of day, but Tari won’t let it rest. I predict, the Pantycrap is going to enter the action. Their new home delivery implemented this week really sucks. Third day in a row with no paper! It’s clear they want out of home delivery all together and when they do, which at this rate won’t be long, they will have no need of a building downtown. Look for them to try to unload it on the Bloomington tax payer’s back. No wonder they play into Tari’s hands the way they do. They’ve been on their last leg for a long time. This new delivery system is the last straw. Anybody who doesn’t see this coming ain’t paying careful attention. Have you been in their building lately? There’s no one there.

  6. If they would actually report the actual news, not the feel good crap they report now, I bet their readership would go up tenfold. All they care about right now is ad revenue and it’s really bringing the quality of their paper down. How can they not realize that?

  7. Sorry, I just can’t listen to this buffoon for too long. Three minutes in, I’m done. However in Renner’s opening statement he says that, “Appraisals and environmental stuff should be absolutely moot.,,,somebody else is looking into that stuff.” Huh, what? Moot! Absolutely moot??? It’s not moot Mr. You’re Going to Waste My Tax $ and Charge Me More! As pointed out on this blog if I remember correctly the appraisals are but a million or so, the Huffs owe some $4 million on the mortgages, Stockton already for(gave) them for a million or two. Gielbehausen/Huff/the mortgage holder stand to make about $4 million off of this deal. Yes Professor of Negative Economics APPRAISALS ARE EVERYTHING in the real world you fool! Anyone on council that supports you on this will prove without a question that they are equally as foolish as you are.

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