Proof: Pantagraph Corrupt

By:  Diane Benjamin

Steve Vogel doesn’t think he needs to disclose EVERY TIME he writes about the City of Bloomington that he is Renner’s Campaign Daddy.  His DAUGHTER ran 2 campaigns for Renner, but I’m positive he isn’t the slightest bit corrupted by his baby’s allegiances.  Just like Lisa Madigan doesn’t take any direction on who to prosecute from her daddy Mickie.  (cough, cough, cough, gag!)

Keep pretending Steve, nobody is buying that you are an impartial City observer.

Today the Pantagraph crossed the integrity line once again.  Every Friday they do “Cheers and Jeers” editorial.  The top “Cheer” today is Tari Renner for his fiscal responsibility!  Tari evidently parroted what citizens have been saying for at least a year:  Needs before Wants.

Somebody please check Tari and see if he grew a beak and wings.

The “Cheer” also claims Tari isn’t considering a Sales Tax increase like Normal.  Of course he isn’t!  His stacked Budget Task Force hasn’t reported there is nothing to cut yet.  Wait for September Pantagraph.  I wonder if they will “Jeer” Renner then.  Not a chance, they will dutifully become a Renner parrot and report NOTHING can be cut.

Meanwhile, citizens attempting to get a line item budget from the City have not been able to.  Gee, I wonder why?

Evidently FLAMINGOS are a NEED.

Buying more property is a NEED.

David Hales’ HUGE budget and staff is a NEED.

Here’s the REAL NEED:

Bankrupting the Pantagraph!

Citizens deserve to be treated better than mushrooms by media!

(Kept in the dark and fed bull****)












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