Public Policy Polling!

By:  Diane Benjamin

Article #3000!

Surprise!  Yet another way to ignore what people say.  Remember the Citizen Summit – it’s been completely ignored.  Needs over wants.  Fix the roads.  I think the citizens were perfectly clear!

A reader emailed me about an automated survey call he received, sponsor was Public Policy Polling.  Questions asked were: Is Bloomington headed in the right direction?  How do you view Tari Renner?  David Hales?  Kevin Lower?  The call even asked about Judy Stearns!  Are you afraid Judy will run for Mayor, mayor?

Included were also questions about “How important is downtown?”.  How about infrastructure?

Who has done Public Policy Polling in the past?  Tari Renner!  Getting scared Tari?  I wonder if the results will ever be made public.  That probably depends on how much spin is involved.  Since the poll is about you, all the raw data should be released Tari.

Meanwhile, here’s what citizens think:

Finance Director Patti-Lynn Silva was on the WJBC news yesterday.  She stated the Sales Tax increase WILL NOT close your “structural deficit”.  She claims everything possible has been cut.  (David Hales budget?)

Monday night the Council is meeting in Executive Session (secret meeting) to discuss buying property.

Are you insane?

Council:  Is this how you handle your personal budget?  Not enough money this month, so I must spend more?  You fleeced the taxpayers without batting an eye.  Now you want to buy more property, then what?  Raise taxes again so you can develop it?  You should be arrested for grand theft!

That’s what tax increases are:

Stealing more money from taxpayers!



4 thoughts on “Public Policy Polling!

  1. Better questions would be: Are you or the city better off now than 2 years ago? Has your quality of life improved during the past 2 years? Are you happy with the tax increases voted for in both 2014 and 2015? Is the City management good stewards of taxpayer’s money? Is there anything to show for the increased spending? Are you aware or do you even care how the city is managed?

  2. Even BETTER question is how many NEW jobs have come to town in the last 5 years or so? How BAD do the streets have to get to be fixed. How MANY mailboxes does the NEW recycle truck kill with it’s hydraulic arm (any guesses?) and how much are those spiffy NEW garbage and recycle cans saving us? Did we really need NEW Connect Transit signs, and WIFI on the new buses? Pink Flamingos, Sugar Creek Packing, And the poor koalas are still waiting! I have a VISION! How about fixing the streets, LOWERING taxes (to encourage NEW business) and dumping the coliseum and it’s management! OH, but we’re gonna make a KILLING when NORMAL has a marijuana grow room out on College ave (when the state quits putting around) And the soccer people will cough up their OWN money for their little soccerettes grounds! And oh my! Lions, and Tigers and Bears! Heck, while I’m at it the CUBS WIN!

  3. It could be pretty easy to do your own survey and report the results here. I suspect it’s the only way we could trust the results as the non-partisan democrats can only achieve their dreams by deceit. Unfortunately, that’s what they have become. It’s kinda like that new gun control mantra of the gun grabbers of “whatever it takes.” Maybe ask your readers to contribute questions that they have on their mind. Plus you might find some volunteers here to help you get it done.

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