Why Illinois fails: Bill Brady

By:  Diane Benjamin

I’ve written stories about McLean County Board member Dave Selzer’s property tax problems.  His taxes were purchased by people profiting from people unable to pay.  See these stories:



Freedom of Information requests from the County led to the people buying taxes:  RealTax Developers (Huffs) and Shannon Logsdon.

Another FOIA request produced a list of properties purchased by both.

86 properties had taxes bought by RealTax on 11/1/2013.  TY12_RealTax_Developers_parcels-1

65 were bought by Logsdon on 10/28/2015.  TY14_Shannon_Logsdon_parcels

Note the bid Interest rates – they range from ZERO to 18%.  Many are at 1%.

I’ve started looking at the PIN numbers on the McLean County Assessor’s website:  http://mcleanil.devnetwedge.com/

Candidates for elected office file a Statement of Economic Interest.  It’s meant to reveal possible conflicts of interest.  One question not asked is “Did somebody buy your property taxes?”.  It should be asked!

Dave Selzer didn’t get asked.

Bill Brady didn’t get asked!

Brady should have been.

I have found 2 properties owned by William Brady at Vineyards of Normal where property taxes were sold.  Brady allowed the Tax Sale because he didn’t pay $24.76 per property.

2203 Eastland Drive Suite 1 (office address) had to receive numerous past due notices and notice of the pending tax sale.  Brady couldn’t pay $49.52?

Kick the can down the road?  Taxes don’t apply to me?  What difference does it make?

Take your pick.

An elected Illinois Senator didn’t pay two $24.76 tax bills, so now he is beholden to the purchaser at 18% interest.  Don’t forget Senator Brady also ran for Governor – more than once!

Residents are fleeing Illinois because of corrupt politicians leading to high taxes.   Locally we have TWO elected officials (that I’ve found so far) who are tax deadbeats.

The two properties are listed on the Logsdon purchases – Pin #’s 15-19-151-018 and 15-19-156-003

Screen shots of both from the County website are below.

Brady2 brady.





8 thoughts on “Why Illinois fails: Bill Brady

  1. Isn’t Brady Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee–the most “powerful” in the Senate?

  2. Can you clarify this for me? Are you saying that Brady forfeits the property because he didn’t pay $24.76 in property taxes? And that somebody bought the property for $213.81?
    I also don’t follow what the 18% thing means.

    If I can buy someone’s property for $213.81 sign me up. Seems like a smart way to get it cheap. Somehow that doesn’t add up. It can’t possibly be that easy. Can it?

      1. Not expecting that you would work 24/7. But usually when I submit a comment it shows up, but says that it is waiting for moderation. Some were not showing up at all.

  3. Dear Blnnews: WordPress is eating some of my comments. Anybody else notice this happening to them?

  4. Also worth pointing out, the Billy is a running as a delegate for Jeb Bush. Say no more.

    If I’m following this story, it appears that Billy is not paying his tax bill so that someone can cash in on some type of an inside real estate transaction that he’s arranged with them. In other words it’s a set up for an insider deal.

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