This is goodbye

To all my readers:

The time has come for me to quit writing BlnNews.  I simply can’t afford to do it anymore.  If you thought readers contributed, you are wrong.  Very few ever did.

I really appreciate the THOUSANDS of readers over the past 5 years who were dying for information the rest of the media ignores.  Together we did have an impact.

Marc Tiritilli may still win in Normal, Bloomington – you have no hope.  There is NO ONE on the Council now that represents you.

Diane Benjamin



71 thoughts on “This is goodbye

  1. I’m so sorry to see you go, Diane. You fought the good fight. The liberal and uninformed voters won the day yesterday. I fear all of Illinois is lost. My only reason to still stay here is my very elderly relative. When that situation changes, it will be time for me to move elsewhere. I appreciate your hard work and dedication to BLNNews.

  2. Sorry to hear. We did our duty but obviously this town is made up of more morons than I thought. Thanks for all your insight to issues of Bloomington. Will miss you.

    Sharon McCormick Sent from my IPad


  3. So sorry to hear, Diane. Seriously, if others can’t help carry the load, it’s not right for it to be you alone. I feel much the same way. The ill informed have so many outlets to shut down any debate they can’t win on facts, and it’s clear B/N is going the way of the extreme left. People aren’t interested in facts. They’re interested in their phones and Twitter, and in the govt being their mommy. B/N is becoming the laughing stock of a state that’s the laughing stock of our nation.

    Thanks for all you’ve done.

  4. Dianne, As a native of Normal, who left and moved to the real world of living in Texas over 45 years ago, I have always appreciated your fight to preserve truth and the values that I grew up with in Central Illinois. There are times, though, when you can no longer continue the fight against overwhelming odds and the people who fully believe that the end justifies the means, no matter what means you have to stoop to. Thank you again for a brave effort.

  5. Thank you for your tireless work Diane. I looked forward to your foi reports. They did not go unnoticed. Best wishes.


    All the gays, Feminists, minorities… They feel like they are safe because people represent them on the council. What is this, San Fransisco?!

  7. Well, this is the end for truthful media in BN! Now all we will get is the paid-by-the-taxpayer liberal idiots shills from WJBC and the Pantywaste sucking more of our tax dollars down to promote even more taxpayer waste by Renner and hopefully not Koos.

  8. Haven’t we seen this post before? If you really mean it, when is the end date? I won’t believe it until I try to click on your URL and it comes back “not found.”

    1. TIme for you to celebrate you ignorance Bob, whoopee for you, sad for us. I suppose you and Renner will be dancing in the streets.

    2. If the site is staying up, then where is the cost savings in quitting? I would think the web hosting would be the biggest expense.

  9. Diane,

    While I often disagreed with your viewpoints, your research and facts were wonderful insight into what really happens. I will miss your facts and figures.

    Good luck in your future endeavors.

  10. Plan of action:

    1) Move as many purchases as possible out of BLN-NL. Buy groceries in LeRoy, furniture in Pontiac, cars in Clinton. Counties surrounding McLean are not dominated by militant left-wing loons. Reward them!

    2) Make it VERY clear to Pantagraph and WJBC advertisers that they are–directly and indirectly–supporting organizations that represent values and policies that we despise.

    3) End even the facade of civility and neighborliness to people who support the Renner Regime. They hate us. They have nothing but contempt for our values and viewpoints. They ARE the face of Black Lives Matter, Not In Our Town, sexual deviancy, Marxist philosophy, and the downward death spiral of a once upstanding community. Don’t kid yourself, they want us absolutely destroyed.

    4) To the very limits of the law, make all dealings with City government as adversarial and costly as possible. A dirty little secret of both the Renner and Koos regimes is how they have systematically replaced public servants by radical Leftists throughout local government, at every opportunity. They hate you. They wish you nothing but misfortune. They are the enemy. FIGHT THEM! EVERY DAY!!!

    1. Noting your discontent with the P-graph or WJBC, WGLT, etc., is a complete waste of time imo as those folks are doing what their out of town masters tell them to do or they will be fired and out of a job. These people truly do not care what you say. Direct those efforts else where because the lame stream media is a waste of time.

    2. glad to hear some fighter still. But in all kindness and goodness for Diane, I clearly understand her decision and grief mixed with pain. I feel the best is to resort to underground theories of news and mobilization. Not unlike the underground railroad in 1860.

  11. So what’s a one woman show putting in for time on a site such as BLN News, 30-50 hours per week? Time for research, time for travel, time for all that is involved. Without reasonable compensation yes it would be tough for anyone to continue. With this overall election defeat I’ll bet you are tired and over due tor some rest and relaxation. Well, enjoy that. Can’t blame you, surprised you lasted as long as you did. Thank you very much for all that you’ve done. Many folks here as they’ve said will truly miss your efforts.
    As Renner and his crew think now that they’ve won,,,only in their socialist dreams have they done anything of value as the hardworking people of Illinois will continue to leave this broken state in droves taking their tax dollars and economic power with them. Let them see what they have done as they will still not learn.

  12. Diane, It is a sad day for our communities that you must close up shop. I hope that there is someone out there with the fire, fight and a willing desire to keep politicians exposed and honest like you have done over the past few years….

    Best of luck in all you do in the future and have done for the two communities, you will be truly missed!!


  13. My neighbors son is 22 years old. He’s a bright kid that refused to go to college. His friends give him grief about not going to school. He replies that while they are racking up massive debt for a job that will not exist when they graduate, he will be debt free with four years PAID experience on the job. Point is that kids are starting to see the reality of experience and thought over false promises. The millennials are smarter than what they are given credit for. Like most people, they’re not stupid. Anyway as the kid has made his choices, he is on the consideration list at his job (that offers a well paying career) for the next step as a manager trainee at $30K plus per year. After that, he’ll be making perhaps $50K with benefits and a career. Moral of the story from this kid is,,,who needs college anymore? * * * Boom! Losing State Farm, millenials finding out that college is no longer representing the American dream and is a waste of money. No SF, no ISU, no college, B-N is done. Economic development destroys economic reality. Thank you dear socialists for ruining the republic for now but the people are waking up and your days are numbered.

    1. Economic development is the mayor’s and council’s #1 priority for their “priority based budgeting.” Taxes will be laundered through the city to developers. Roads receive the smallest percentage of the budget. Get the picture!?!

      1. Yeah I get it and like you, I don’t like it one bit. Like I said (this) economic development destroys economic reality. I have appreciated your posts over the years skunk, have a good one.

  14. Bloomington-Normal as we have known it from prior to 1986 is gone. Very sad. The Chicago liberal progressive marxists saw an opportunity in the twin cities and took it. They would refer to this area as Mayberry, which of course they hated. Something good cannot be allowed to exist. So for the last 30 years they’ve set about to change it, and they have succeeded. Thank you very much Diane for your tireless, worthwhile work on behalf of Bloomington-Normal. Until the other 60,000+ residents of the twin cities can be bothered to leave their nice warm homes east of Veterans Parkway and get out to vote, then nothing will change. In Normal, 6,200+ people is a dismal turnout for something as critical as a mayoral election.

  15. So sorry to hear this! Have enjoyed your messages immensely! Hope in a day or two,

    you reconsider. You warned us, so we own it from here on out…

    Bill Cherry


  16. I’m truly going to miss everything you do. You’ve worked so hard to show people the truth that our local media hide. You’ve done THEIR job & taken so many slams for it. You have reached & touched more peoples lives than you know. I’ve brought BLN to my family & friends up north & some of them have followed you. TY so much.

  17. Diane,
    Thanks for all of your hard work and keeping our best interests at heart. I learned a lot from your efforts and appreciate everything you have invested. Your departure is going to seriously restrict the available information that I read, think about and discuss with others on a daily basis. I will miss that. Unfortunately, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink. Same goes for sheep and we have a whole bunch of them here. Politics aside, there appears to be enough borderline illegal or worse activity around that everyone should be paying attention and thinking change. I actually think based on yesterday’s results that you can take credit for the increased voter turnout and also that Normal is going to wake up before BLM. We need to really clean house in BLM starting with ALL of the people calling themselves non-liberal (Republicans) on the city council, county board and all of the other existing public sector groups. There actually AREN’T any real non-liberals right now and I don’t think there have been for a long time. Then we need some real state representatives and state senators.
    Thanks again for an outstanding effort.

  18. Hopefully, SOMETHING will turn Bloomington around from the spend and destroy philosophy they have in place. I’ll miss your news Diane as it was accurate, informative and complete. And as of yesterday a battle well fought. I can TRULY say at this point. R.I.P. (for those in the know) I’ll miss you ALL!

  19. Thank you for everything you did over the years. It’s clear that the people of Bloomington (who bothered to vote) want government to cater to their whims and don’t care about forcing every resident to pay for it. My wife and I frequently talk about when is the right time to move out of this state as both BN and IL are broken beyond repair. It’s not a matter of if but when is a good time for our family to leave. Enjoy some well deserved rest!

  20. Diane, as a Native of Dawson Township and as a sometimes “Devils Advocate” I enjoyed are conversations and I hold no animosity towards you or any other commentators on here. I only wish you well and God Speed to you. ljr

  21. Diane, it is truly a sad day to lose such a valuable resource for our community. The media of the past no longer exists. We need sources like you to counter those who promote their liberal agenda day after day.

    I understand your frustration and wish you the best. You will be missed.

  22. Diane, my heart goes out to you. You have tried so hard with truth and fervency to wake citizens up to the awful things happening around here. And I have appreciated everything. God bless you for fighting hard. You will reap a reward. Wishing a blessed farewell. Enjoy life for whats left of it.

  23. I really hate to hear this. I happened onto the Tea Party & Blmnews just in the last 2 or so years, I guess as the tea party was dying out. I didn’t know that Diane started it & would still attend if it hadn’t shut down. I learned about Common Core, Immigration, Smart meters, Convention of States. Then I learned of Blmnews & had a poster in my front yard & placed 2 others in yards. It was the only place to know what was going on. Of course, when I was younger & working full time I couldn’t attend these things & I had no interest. It was HARD, working 40 hrs making a living, there weren’t enough hours in the day. I was so glad & amazed that Diane could do what she did. Tari will count this as a double victory. I don’t know who will be our ears & eyes. Probably nobody. If it is about finances I would be willing to help. Too late now.

  24. Diane,
    Could you tell me (us) what radio station to listen to, what websites are good to follow or anything else that we can trust?

  25. Diane, You have been my best news source on the tax and spend crowd. Everyone has to decide on fiscal priorities. Sorry we could not get you some money from Republican or TEA parties.

  26. I am sorry to hear this. I have donated a few times. I am self employed, live in Stanford , and have used your suggestions re: OMA in my dealings with the public. I shall miss your thoughts. Good luck. Hugh Evans

  27. Diane, This is a huge loss for us all. Will miss getting the REAL news from you. I’m praying for you.

  28. If anybody wonders what a perverse and vile place the Twin Cities have become,
    I offer this recent example: Consider the hatred that have been directed at Dianne for doing the media’s job, uncovering corruption and printing the truth. I have often worried about her physical safety. But retired Professor Mary Campbell, a vicious, hardcore Marxist if there ever was one (do you remember her many Letters To the Editor?) gets double the votes of her nearest rival for Heartland Trustee. This Community is Hopeless!

      1. Encourage you to do so. Name names and call people out. Bet there are some folks–“prominent citizens of the community”–whose names we would all recognize. Scum, vile scum.

  29. Most of the vile comments to this blog and Diane’s Twitter feed are from people who tell her to “F-off” and call her all kinds of filthy names…then use hashtags like #LoveWins and #Diversity. They’re so ignorant and robotic they don’t even realize their own hypocrisy.

  30. Diane, if you have have a hankerin’ to come back, try that crowd funding thing and maybe the cash will come. Good luck in your endeavors and rest easy. Thank you.

      1. Diane, I know it is probably too late, but I sent a contributions few minutes ago in appreciation for your hard work. If you choose not to continue, please enjoy a lunch on me. If you do reconsider, I would donate for a “year’s subscription.

        Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication!

  31. Diane- I’ve enjoyed your blog for the past few years I’ve known about it. I’ll admit I haven’t read EVERY post, but several times I’ve wondered “what will Diane have to say about this?” Thank you for providing this service over the years, it will be missed. May I ask what your plans are? Will you get any exposure though another venue? Whatever it is, I wish you the very best! Take care.

      1. Ha. How about some editorial contributions with resources to back up the statements. Many of the links that have been provided here are from the City’s and Town’s website. Maybe an understanding of the effort necessary to produce this blog will promote compassion and spur financial donations.

  32. Diane,

    I’ve been following Ian Bayne. He says Lower is a RINO sellout. You endorsed that RINO. What gives? Are Ian and me the only real conservatives left here? Your timing is interesting. Best of luck.


    1. That’s a laugh, Ian Bayne accusing someone of being a sell out. Oh tell us o’ holy one of the controlled opposition local air waves, run for mayor then not show up for the last two major forums. It wouldn’t surprise me for a minute if Ian was recruited to take Kevin Lower out of the primary.

  33. I have enjoyed hearing your perspective on everything. I always appreciated your work and exposing lies. Sadly many would rather live in their own little world. I hope you can find something relaxing to do with your time!

  34. It’s going to be pretty boring around here without you trying to keep the crooks in line.

  35. I asked, but have never received an answer: what is it that makes the column so costly to do? You mentioned leaving the website up, which I would think would be the expensive part.

    1. As a CPA, I bet Diane could easily get $30-50 for her time after expenses, taxes, etc. Let’s say to be conservative, that’s $20 an hour. (She doesn’t work for the city)

      Ok, now she spends 10 hours a week on FOIA requests because the city throws a roadblock. Then she spends 10 hours on research, two hours writing, and about 3-5 hours moderating. All of a sudden that 25 hours costs her $500 a week.

      1. You can’t really extrapolate an accurate value of time for one activity based on another occupation. It is essentially the same as volunteer work or a hobby, and the IRS doesn’t allow someone to count the value of their time as a charitable contribution or hobby expense. I was just curious if there we other fixed costs involved that weren’t obvious besides the website fees.

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