More Travel-did Margot ride? pay it?

By:  Diane Benjamin

If you’ve been following the Japan Sister Cities saga, you already know about this expense:

That was only a partial payment!

That’s a total of $5,365.00. 

Tari hasn’t said a word about this one, but at the Open House last night he and Margot floated that she should get a refund because she was an ambassador!  Who appoints ambassadors after the trip?

Does Margot still owe the City more money?

Hard to say since we don’t know how many people went on this trip and who went by Peoria Yellow Checker.

Other expenses probably exist I haven’t found yet.  When we have very few details and the total spent is over $100,000 – its past time for an investigation.

Lt. Greg Cavanaugh at 815-844-1500 ext 2303.

Maybe Tari can get his story straight by the time he is questioned.  Does this comment he made sound like Margot has a purpose for being there – other than with him?




13 thoughts on “More Travel-did Margot ride? pay it?

  1. I was just thinking, maybe Margot will be his choice for the new assistant position !!!!!! Sound right.

  2. Peoria Yellow Checker, what or who are they, and what services do they provide? Do these charges tie back to his and Margots tickets that were charged seperatly on the P-Card?

  3. Margot is a guest of the Mayor. The delegation is nowhere in the photo. The transportation to and from the airport was probably a greyhound-like charter bus to accommodate the entire group. I’m surprised the mayor didn’t hire his own limousine. Oh, maybe he did.

  4. The mayor could not find anyone in Bloomington to carry him to the airport? He should have used an empty connect transit bus. It would not be missed. Buy local unless it is the mayor. Same with laws, ignore them if they are inconvenient.

  5. I wonder if he makes her pay for her half of a date? OH wait that was probably put on a Pcard too. Pssst. lets meet for lunch at rosies I got this.

  6. It just gets worse and worse, this People’s Republic of Bloomingtonia, I wonder if Tarry will start forbidding pictures of potholes and empty strip malls like NK forbids pictures of crumbling buildings and poverty? “Everything is beautiful here in our city – see our flamingos and our concert halls, our chain resturaunts and our vast soccer complexes….” Oh and Let’s see maybe we should take bets – Will the “Assistsnt” be a recent IWU grad, or some little fledgling from some socialist nest like New York, Chicago or California, or will it be a Tarry crony? HEY How about his new best pal David?

  7. Here’s an expense that needs to be axed.
    “purchase of hockey dasher boards for Grossinger Motors Arena, in the amount of $187,871.”
    Spend, spend, spend, spend is all this council, mayor, and manager are all about.
    Maybe with some luck this mayor will be convicted for his alleged crime.

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