Jenn Carrillo post

By:  Diane Benjamin

Ward 6 candidate for the Bloomington City Council posted the below today.  I’ve been trying to find out what her plan is to fix the problem.  I know how socialists, Marxists, and communists would fix it, but not Jenn.  If you see her please ask.  Ward 8 candidate Jeff Crabill appears to agree with Jenn.  Ask him too.

30 thoughts on “Jenn Carrillo post

  1. Fixing the problem:

    Stay in school
    Stay off drugs
    Stay out of prison/don’t commit crimes
    Don’t have out-of-wedlock children
    Get a job.

    There–90% fixed!

      1. You are 100% right Diane but ever since LBJ and 20 trillion dollars later nothing has been fixed. If only he would have understood what was meant by the sign “Don’t feed the wildlife as they become dependent and no longer work to take care of them self”. To this idiot Jenn….to get out of the gutter you have to be willing to fend for yourself. I have a new saying,
        “Don’t work too hard for the money you earn; morons like Jenn, Nancy, Madigan, Prickster, Tari and company will make sure it is no longer yours.”

    1. What Maggie said – it’s a proven formula. If they want to do some of their little hardly ever fix a thing little leftist social programs, then get some REAL work programs going, and try to set up apprenticeships in some trades with competent tradesmen. Yeah let’s see how long that will last when people don’t show up or get mad when they are told how to do something properly because they have been allowed to run wild, or do nothing and run the show since they were kids – It’s a mess, and yes LBJ got that ball REALLY rolling – and it’s a shame, a terrible shame, but unless a lot of basic fundamental problems are addressed, and in the Black community especially, things will not get better, and that, is just the truth of the mater.

  2. JENN says we need economic and racial justice. She means wealth redistribution based on race. Perhaps Matejka, Renner and Koos can lead by example and turn their property and bank accounts over to Jenn so she can decide how to redistribute it

  3. Well, since Maggie already “borrowed” my reply. I’d like to know WHERE Jen gets her “facts” Yeah if Whites work and Blacks don’t, then yeah, the whites WILL make more money, OR vice versa. DUH!!
    I DO like the thought of “Mr Labor” Mike, and Koos and Tari turning over their property, paychecks, and Pcards to help feed/cloth the people who are NOT ABLE to earn a living! Of course, that would be against WHAT they do, but not what they PREACH!!
    Usually politicians try their BEST to align themselves with people SMARTER then themselves, but seems that policy is a “lost cause” in this community..

  4. Notice households are compared and not individuals. Some households have two adult income earners some have one. Also many times these statistics don’t include government assistance and use pre-tax income. Statistics can be molded to fit the narrative. Similar to the gender pay gap.

  5. Jen can donate her salaries, she should feel free to d so. She can believe what she wants to believe, but that doesn’t mean I have to believe what she believes.

  6. All I know is that it is all my fault! I am white and a male…. I created a racist system based on white privilege that keeps people of color from making the kind of money I make. Now the obvious solution is of course to put the blame where it belongs…(white men)… and take money from them to right this wrong. We also need to force diversity on all companies and get rid of this silly “meritocracy” thing that gives jobs and opportunities to those who are most qualified.

    Speaking English, criminal records,no job skills and 4th grade educations should not keep disadvantaged populations from the good jobs in our economy. It’s been a white man’s game for far too long….

  7. Well, IF you want to use “NUMBERS” for haves and have nots, then LET’S go back 160 years ago TODAY!!!
    Some guy named Marshall found gold in the mill race at a place owned by a guy name of SUTTER!
    Started some kind of a big rush to go out and “see” what was happening!
    SO, Of ALL the people who went out to make a fortune, HOW MANY actually did? Those numbers would show MORE that were “in poverty” according to Jen, then the current local situation, so we’re ALL BETTER OFF then OUR ancestors!! And that’s FACT!!
    NEXT! The Spanish Inquisition….Monty Python

  8. Carrillo is a anti-white racist of the highest order and a political radical. That said, this will matter little to the people who will vote for her for council. Although Schmidt is a liberal, she is not a hateful racist. No matter, even Schmidt’s liberalism is too tame for Tari and in private, wants JC to win badly. He will scheme and get his IWU underlings (led by lowlife Mike Gorman) to get her elected making the council even more radical.

  9. Don’t worry Jenn all the folks making more money are seriously looking for their chance to move out of B-N. Soon enough, your surroundings in Illinois will be nothing but lower income people so put on a little smiley face and be happy.

  10. Interesting Ying-Yang thing ole Jen has going on here! She’s hates haters, but SHE is one of the biggest haters.
    Must be TOUGH being her? Wonder WHAT she sees when she’s looks in a mirror?

  11. Wowzer! Maybe Jenn should start a go fund me? So Jenn, the angry brown woman (who is privledged by her own definition of privledge) is looking at a solidly diverse Ward with the clear intention of creating a race Ward. Little SHitler Has lost her mind. She came to this country illegally her family is here illegally and she is hell bent on making this community like the country she fled.

    1. For sure Angela. Why doesn’t Jenn spout off in her home country and fix things there? She’s not so tough. Just another fake.

  12. WHAT? “When we fight, we win”?? Didn’t work for a LOT of folks! Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler… To name a few..

  13. Absolutely must convey a powerful message to every resident of Ward 6. If you are a registered voter get out and place that vote for Karen Schmidt. Your personal failure to vote for Karen will ensure a poverty stricken city under the insanity of someone like Carillo. Imagine getting your own personal nightmare neighbor in your community because she INSANELY believes that they are entitled to “free” equality. Take heed, take a stand. Put out a sign in support of Karen, put in a early vote, make it clear that NOT IN OUR TOWN really means, we stand behind hard work, equal pay for those THAT want to work, and transparency in our council. Let me also be clear that I am not some die-hard Karen Supporter, I just know all to well that a Carillo in office means I have to move to a new city, that is NOT WELCOMING.

    1. Except, ideologically, there is not a dime’s worth of difference between Crazy Jenn and Karen Schmidt. Both are Left wing extremists. Schmidt just “packages’ herself in a less confrontational style. But make no mistake, it is just style–both are far, far, “out there” in they political philosophies.

      If we can’t find a viable Conservative write-in candidate, I strongly encourage Conservatives to vote FOR Jenn. Let’s make her the “face” of Tari’s City government. Her antics won’t disappoint, and that might help to show the electorate just how radical things have become.

  14. You are correct on that dime, it’s more quarter size. Specifically looking at Karen, she has at the very least said, NO to some really hot topics and she paid the price for standing her ground. But she never wavered, like it or not, she says what she means and means exactly what she says.
    Let’s look at Jenn, she can’t make a decision WHAT she is or WHAT she represents. She postures herself in whatever direction the wind blows. She sows unrest, rebellion, and deceit. This is a candidate that publicly cannot balance her life, let alone a budget for our city!
    Bloomington has enough issues without putting additional insanity on the council.
    You suggest a write-in candidate for ward 6?
    I counter with this thought, get a write in candidate for Ward 8, Crabill is nuts too.
    Just Saying…

    1. Carrillo is a DSA member in good standing and supports Antifa-type tactics if it helps her side win. She is a nut job egged on by Mayor Tari and likely Koos. Most people in town have really no idea of the radicals formulating policy in this town elected and otherwise.

      1. Agreed. But since we get the exact same thing from Schmidt, just in a less offensive “package”, let’s go with Crazy Jenn and SHOW the “people in town” what unbridled Leftist Radicalism looks like. Apparently, they are not going to get off their butts and act without first experiencing further destruction and pain. Jenn and Crabill will give it to em!. Karen will hide, but vote the same way.

  15. Is Jenn planning to round up the white people in Ward 6, steal their stuff, and place them in concentration camps? Seems the general direction she and her political buddies are moving in.

    1. She and Tari would love to do just that. Remember, Tari’s hero is Che Guevara, a bloodthirsty psychopath who PERSONALLY sign the death warrants of 25,000 men, women and children.

    2. We want to call them reeducation camps….And yes this is where this could end if these people (like Jenn) all across the country take power. The people who built this country, maintain this country, and move this country forward are the problem in these people’s minds. They need to be fought everywhere and with everything we can muster. They are an existential threat to our country, our democracy and our way of life.

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