More Atlanta needs to know before voting

By:  Diane Benjamin

Did you know…

The Library Trustees have stated numerous times they have never done anything wrong.

The IL Dept of Revenue would disagree. While under the management of the Library Trustees, the IDOR found that Palm’s Grill filed multiple understated sales tax reports. What does that mean? The Palm’s Grill was caught NOT paying all the sales tax they collected to the state.

Not only did the Library pay the back sales tax, they also had to pay late fees and penalties with YOUR TAX DOLLARS. Money was transferred from the Library general checking account to a Palm’s Grill savings account to pay the back sales tax.   Proof:  Sales tax penalties and interest

Did you know…

The Library Board of Trustees have already spent over $841,000+ in capital outlays in just over 10 years! They also planned to borrow $200,000 to purchase Union Hall. That would have brought the Library’s capital outlays to over ONE MILLION DOLLARS!

Prior to the Museum and Palm’s Grill restoration, the Library held at least $137,000+ in CASH/CD RESERVES! Add in $255,000 in loans, as well as the $208,000+ in grant money, $74,000+ in Friends of Library and Museum account, and another $147,000+ raised from Atlanta High School alumni and a $20,000 anonymous donation. Yet the Library building itself is in disrepair. Where has all that money gone? Almost $850,000 and this is what YOUR LIBRARY LOOKS LIKE.   Proof:  Capital Outlays

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