Bloomington: Start at the end

By: Diane Benjamin

There are kots of other things to cover from the Bloomington City Council meeting last night, but start with comments at the end of the meeting.

Mayor elect Mboka Mwilambwe proved he won’t tolerate Jenn Carrillo’s activism against other Council members. No mention was made prior to Mboka’s comments at the end of the meeting concerning the statement Carrillo put on Facebook after all of her candidates lost April 6th:

Watch Carrillo smiling, vaping, and drinking while listening to Mboka call for Council action against her. Unless Mboka gets a Council Initiative on next Monday’s agenda, a majority votes to proceed, and then it makes the agenda in 2 weeks nothing will happen until he is mayor in May. I wonder if the Council has the authority to remove her from office? Citizens don’t for another two years.

Carrillo briefly responds claiming she is perfectly happy with the example she is setting for young people in the community. Ward 6 must be proud!

9 thoughts on “Bloomington: Start at the end

  1. Hey Jenn there is going to be a new sheriff in town and ,it look\s like he is not going to allow your unprofessional attacks. So if you decide to follow thru on your comments the hope is you will be living in a less than pleasant environment.

  2. Mboka’s comments were encouraging.
    Carrillo is why we don’t elect children. Sadly some people never grow up.

  3. I like Mboka more and more. Straza wouldn’t say he supported law enforcement because he did not want to upset the BLM people. Mboka can at least pick a side of the fence.

    Great choice Bloomington!

  4. Too bad Normal will have no improvement on the council, except for Stan. Glad Bloomington is at least on track.

  5. I was stunned when I heard her reply to the incumbent Mayor! Here total behavior was during the meeting was unacceptable. Rolling her eyes at other aldermen, messing with her hair as those the zoom camera was her mirror, the vaping was repugnant. I hope Mboka will follow through. Mayor Tari was unbelievable that he shut the down the conversation. He’s a wimp.

    1. If Black lives truly matter to Jenn then maybe she’ll try to cooperate and work with the Mayor elect. But, I think what we’re going to see from Jenn, as we did Monday night, is that Black lives only matter to Jenn when they can be used to advance her radical agenda.

  6. Sure, Mboka could go through the process of bringing this before the Council himself, or he could wait until May 1 when he’s mayor. OR, Tari Renner could address it in his remaining weeks. But, option number three isn’t going to happen because Jenn is bought and paid for by none other than Tari Renner. Thank God in greyhound he’s almost gone. Welcome Mayor Mboka. Your debut is long overdue. I believe he’s a reasonable man who will bring a sense of dignity to the Council. It doesn’t appear he’s going to put up with Jenn’s nonsense.

    1. It would be a shame if Renner didn’t try to clean up this Carrillo made mess. Leaving the council as mayor in an uproar is the the antithesis of being a good leader. His entire term would be marred by his neglect of this matter and he would be doing the new mayor, the council and the city a great disservice. He should put every ounce of his leadership ability into setting the council on the right footing before he leaves.
      He must make tough decisions because Carrillo obviously intends to create as much turmoil inside the council as she can.

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