Vetting for Bloomington Mayor

Questions asked of the candidates by UAW Local 2488:

7. If elected, what do you see as the problems in the Mayor’s office and what improvements do you think you could bring?

Green: The problem primarily is a lack of leadership in keeping the council and administration moving toward any kind of goal. It’s kind of haphazard right now and it’s very evident to people who attend the meetings. The council isn’t prepared to make a decision when they come together and often they are working at cross purposes. I believe it’s the mayor’s role to make sure people are prepared to make decisions. I will make sure everyone is firing on all cylinders to make sure that problems are resolved.

Hanson: Communication is #1. I served under the current mayor for over 5 years and was very frustrated. It was one of the reasons I didn’t run again for my alderman’s seat. A role of the mayor is to be a conduit between the operation side and the policy making or legislative body. It’s the mayor’s responsibility to make all parties understand and to work as efficiently as possible without all the redundancy. I met with Trades and Labor who told me they tried to reach out to the mayor and they didn’t have many results. Whether I believe in the cause or not, it is helpful to have a discussion.

Renner: The mayor needs to be more of an activist. We can’t have a caretaker mayor. We are not achieving our full potential. You can see in Uptown Normal. People with guts in tough economic times have turned it into a tourist attraction and a source of jobs. One of the things I have been working on is getting a hotel across from the Coliseum so that can reduce the red ink from the Coliseum, have a source of jobs and an anchor for downtown. I talked with Normal mayor Chris Koos and asked if my ambitions would be too competitive with Normal. He told me, “Are you kidding? If you people in Bloomington would just do something, both of our boats would float.”

Tari Renner seems possessed by redeveloping downtown Bloomington.   Below are 2 videos where he talks about his plans.  He frequently mentions a hotel, but never anything else.  Renner obviously admires what Koos has done.  Is that your vision for Bloomington?

John Hanson continues saying the job of mayor is not to lead.  Think Steve Stockton – part 2.

One more question from the UAW:

8. What kind of community groups, clubs and associations are you part of?

Green: Right now, political activity takes 100% of my spare time. Over the years, I’ve been involved in my children’s activities including coaching Little League, soccer and attending Girl Scout meetings and the like.

Hanson: I am a member of Sunrise Rotary Club. I have steered away from some of the organizations I was involved in. I served on many boards including the Red Cross Board, the EDC Board and Regional Planning.

Renner: The Democratic Party, the Association of University Professors, the United Way and other political things involved with Senator Durbin’s office. Other things include serving on the board of the Collaborative Solutions Institute and the Child Advocacy Center.



One thought on “Vetting for Bloomington Mayor

  1. Normal is a tourist attraction? Hahaha! Is Renner nuts? Guts during tough economic times? Over the ten year span of 2003-2013 during King Koos reign the annual principal and interest payment has mushroom from $170,000 to $5 million. That’s not guts,,,that’s stupidity! Now the Town of Normal can’t find $2 million to fix the Adelaide FIre Station, which brings up another question. Have they never heard of preventive maintenance? What a bunch of Bozos!

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