Pissing Match

by:  Diane Benjamin

The title is in honor of Mayor Tari Renner – that’s what he called the budget process on WJBC this morning.  Let’s examine that Tari.

Renner lamented the fact that the dysfunctional government in DC is now in Bloomington.  What has changed since the last budget process Tari?  Scott Black – but he just does whatever you tell him to.  Joni Painter – too new to know what’s going on.  Then there’s Kevin Lower who has challenged your tax increases without questioning your integrity.

That leaves YOU TARI!  The dysfunction goes straight to you.  The lies haven’t helped, like you’ve been working on the budget for 9 months.  How about the one where cuts match taxes dollar for dollar?  If that was the case, the budget would be balanced.  Reality is that spending increases were astronomical, then you cut some increases.

But some other facts are much more disturbing.  Just in the last 2 days you have called cuts proposed by Judy Stearns:

  • Bonkers
  • Cheap Theater
  • Silly
  • Jaw dropping
  • Ideological nonsense
  • Emotional contamination of the process
  • fantasyland.com
  • nonsense
  • poisonous
  • riddled with inaccuracies
  • pulled out of thin air

This is how you foster a professional atmosphere  to handle the tough problems?  Vilify your opponent?  Question Alderwoman Stearns intelligence at every media appearance?

You are the problem Tari.

Citizens are rapidly losing respect for you – read the Pantagraph comments to Rachel Wells story today.  At last check – they all agreed with me.

Send your goons on to praise you, I’ll check later.  I need a good laugh.








10 thoughts on “Pissing Match

  1. As the Renner campaign self destructs with foul mouthed rants and two year old temper tantrums one can only hope the the adult leadership of Lower and Stearns encourage one or two of the others to take an adult stand and right the the ship. Some council members are really making themselves look bad by following this spoiled child Tari, that stamps his feet and screams “pissing match” for attention via local media. Renner is an embarrassment.

  2. In noting the comment above, “Renner lamented the fact that the dysfunctional government in DC is now in Bloomington,” does he not understand that this is HIS administration that he is charged to be responsible for? DC is a known den of crooks, bullies, and liars. Is this the culture change you were talking about Mr. Mayor,,,to become DC politics as usual? Is that what your many years of teaching political science has taught you? Is this what you teach your students??? If I were admin at IWU I would be calling for his resignation!

  3. I don’t see many people supporting Mayor PILF in the Comments section of any article in the Pantarag. Where is all this public support for the Mayors budget? Judy Stearns and Kevin Lower act like the professionals that they are.The Mayor doesn’t, However, keep in mind, according to his students, Renner likes to jump on desks, run around the room, swear in class, vilify republicans and call them all sorts of awful names. On top of that, the coeds think he’s a hottie hence the PILF part. I’m sure all those parents who send their children to IWU are proud to have a professor like that teaching their children. So, the only reason I bring this up is that obviously his childish behavior at IWU is carrying over to his duties as Mayor of Bloomington. Perhaps I’ll send him a binky inscribed with the city seal. That might make him happy!

  4. Thanks Hoover for reminding us of Renner’s own words to not raise our taxes. This shows he “lied” and did not keep his campaign promise. With his own words the proof is in the pudding! As for wanting an out of control corrupt gangster government like we have in DC to be in our city government should be alarming and show every citizen that we have the wrong person in as Mayor. I did everything that I could to discourage people here in Bloomington from voting for Renner because I knew that he is a left-wing Progressive Democrat which I believe is very dangerous when in positions of power. I went out knocking on doors for Lex Green and warning about Renner, even put up the article of Tari Renner speaking at Camp Obama in 2007 on my facebook each day so it would hit into home page each time. As a person, I like Tari yet I told him strait up on more then one occasion that I could never vote for him because we are on opposite ends politically. Once I ask him how he could condone bringing a terrorist like Bill Ayers to his college to speak. His answer shocked me, he stated that we once had Pat Buchanan come their to speak. I ask him how do you compare Ayers with Buchanan? Pat Buchanan is a true American loving Patriot but Bill Ayers is an American hater who was the co-founder of the Underground Weathermen terrorist organization, that bombed Federal buildings, police stations and murdered innocent Americans! He did not answer me after that statement.

  5. Mayor Renner is a progressive. The “Ends justify the Means.” He has attended Mayor Conferences through the city that featured speakers such as Socialist Joel Rogers and Socialist George Lakoff. At IWU he helped at Camp Obama which featured the man who taught Alinksy to the President. Saul Alinksy is a hero to many progressives and what did he teach?

    (4). There can be no conversation between the organizer and his opponents. The latter must be depicted as being evil.

    (6). Taunt one’s opponents to the point that they label you a “dangerous enemy” of “the establishment.”

  6. I would have to say though, with the corruption and disrespect for our laws and Constitution that DC, the President and Congress shows I believe that from the top down it is reflecting into our state, county and city politics. I received some information from how the Czech’s view our dangerous dilemma:

    “The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting an inexperienced man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama Presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their President. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America”

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