Workforce SHRINKS in Bloomington Normal

by: Diane Benjamin

Local governments have still not faced the reality that local economic conditions are changing.

The Illinois Policy Institute complied a report from data by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  The entire report can be seen here:

Below are a few of the highlights, or should I say lowlights:

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

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2 thoughts on “Workforce SHRINKS in Bloomington Normal

  1. Once upon a time some Wally World executives pondered bringing more customers into their stores. They all sat down to talk it over and decided that offering lower prices might do the trick. They implemented their plan and lo and behold, the people swarmed turning their chain of stores into one of the largest and highly profitable companies in the world. Yes companies have learned that lower prices attract volumes of customers which work out to be big profits. Mean while back in little old Bloomington, IL, taxes continue to rise as freedoms are stricken and the people move away. Obviously the professor hasn’t a clue.

  2. Reblogged this on BLNNews and commented:

    The Pantagraph, the City of Bloomington, and the Town of Normal can’t figure out why tax receipts are down. Maybe they should read BlnNews.

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