Get Out and VOTE!

By:  Diane Benjamin

Below are links to every story I’ve written about the election.

I received a report yesterday that in the LAST election an electronic voting machine switched a Republican vote to Democrat – IN BLOOMINGTON  Funny how they NEVER switch a Democrat vote to Republican!  Use Paper ballots, fraud will be rampant in Illinois.

Vote for Illinois and for candidates that can win.  Obviously the current administration is destroying jobs and our financial security.  I hope you never have to tell your child to NOT look for work in Illinois, I did and it hurts not having my son close.

Not voting, is a slap in the face of every service member who has sacrificed so much to preserve our rights. 

Vote against those who hate the U.S.A. Those who are destroying our country, those who are weakening our military. You know who they are. Be a hero and get out and vote.


Links to all stories about the election:

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