Fruin: Why we are bankrupt

By:  Diane Benjamin

The statement in the video below has been bothering me since Fruin uttered it at November 10th City Council meeting.

It only took one minute and 5 seconds for Fruin to spell out why the State of Illinois and the country are effectively bankrupt, please watch it before reading on:


First, Fruin thought it is Brady’s grant money and Brady refused to consider spending it anywhere else but McGraw Park.  By the next meeting 2 weeks later, Renner declared it the City’s money to spend wherever they want in the Parks and Rec department.  Does Bill Brady know that?  He’s been strangely quiet.

But that’s not the part bothering me.  It’s the last 10 seconds.

The country is now $18 TRILLION in debt.

Illinois can’t pay its bills and the temporary tax increase is inching ever closer to permanent.

These numbers do NOT include unfunded liabilities, start by added another $100 Trillion.

Hey!  Normal has Uptown though.

Elected officials at EVERY level of government think grant money is free.

Make sure all these local guys are included in the history of who destroyed our children and grandchildren with debt and taxes.

“Government is not reason, it is not eloquence—it is a force!  Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.”  George Washington

You can now return to ignoring government, that’s what they want most.


One thought on “Fruin: Why we are bankrupt

  1. I doubt that any of the potted plants, the mayor, or the city manager could pass a “current events” pop quiz like many of us experienced in grade school. Evidence of the dumbing down of America resides in the city hall chambers as they completely embrace socialist/communist doctrine, i.e. culture change.

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