Why I don’t write more about Normal

By:  Diane Benjamin

Monday the Normal City Council voted to spend a lot more money on the Koos-Doug Farr vision for the town.  NO citizens showed to speak.  I know of NO conservative citizens running for the Council, they all appear to be Koos cronies.  If anybody knows different, please let me know.

Videos of the Council meetings are now on-line:  http://www.normal.org/index.aspx?NID=779  Most of the meetings have less than 30 views.

Koos has increased taxes and fees over and over.  The public has been silent.

I wonder how many citizens looked at the supporting documents for the last meeting?  http://www.normal.org/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/1652

You missed this:

The proposed 2015-2020 CIP includes 127 capital projects that are to be completed over a six-year period beginning in the current fiscal year. Those 127 projects total approximately $60.1 million dollars. Additionally the report identifies $100.5 million of potential additional projects that are not being recommended over the six-year period.

After Koos spends $60 million more on Uptown, does it look like he is done?

If the citizens are not going to stand up for themselves, my writing about Normal is useless.  I’m sure Normal City Hall is delighted.


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