Normal: Why?

By:  Diane Benjamin

“When the people fear the government, that’s tyranny; when the government fears the people, that’s freedom.” Thomas Jefferson

Last night the Normal City Council raised 2 taxes.  Remember, there is an election in April.

Bloomington is holding off votes on a downtown hotel and raising garbage fees until after the election.

Obviously Normal knows the election is immaterial, they can continue taxing and spending without fear.

Bloomington residents are only in slightly better shape.

David Sage is running unopposed.

Karen Schmidt’s opponent died last week, so now she is unopposed.

3 other races will be on the ballot:

Ward 4:  

  • Amelia Buragas (Renner appointee)
  • Jeremy Kelly

Ward 5:

  • Joni Painter (Renner appointee)
  • Lupe Diaz

Ward 8:

  • Diana Hauman (Renner appointee)
  • Alton Franklin

I was appalled last Saturday morning listening to former Mayor Rich Buchanan on WJBC.  He likened the Bloomington City Council to a Board of Directors with “2 or 3” members causing problems.  Everybody knows he meant 2.  Everybody knows which 2.  Your “Board of Directors” is supposed to represent the people who elected them.  Instead, you got a Coliseum, an unused multi-million dollar fire station, rotten roads, under-funded pensions, and they have many more plans for your money!

The local elitists want Bloomington citizens (and the Council) to lay down and roll over – just like the residents of Normal have.  Governing is so much easier without opposition, so is raising taxes.

Ask yourself why almost every vote on the Bloomington City Council is 7-2.  Ask yourself how material the one conservative voice left on the Council will be if the Renner appointees are elected.

You too can be just like Normal, no dissent on tax increases and no fear by government of the people.

Read the first line again.  What’s your choice?

You can move out of the area, live under tyranny like Normal, or help these guys get elected.

Contact info:

Jeremy Kelly


[email protected]

Lupe Diaz


[email protected]

Alton Franklin

 309- 532-1979

[email protected]

Freedom isn’t free.  It’s not just the military charged with preserving it.




11 thoughts on “Normal: Why?

  1. Fact: Renner has not appointed Amelia to the council. More disappointing reporting. I’m a regular reader, but I’m disappointed by the fast and loose play with the facts. I just don’t know what to believe.

    1. I have to agree with Rob. This article has “Amelia Buragas (Renner appointee)” under Ward 4. If she was not appointed by Renner within Ward 4, then that’s misrepresented and not accurate. Was she or wasn’t she appointed as an alderman to Ward 4?

      1. From her website. Renner appointed her to Evergreen and Zoning.

        “She serves on the board of the McLean County History Museum, is a trustee of Evergreen Memorial Cemetery, and is a member of the City of Bloomington Zoning Board of Appeals.”

  2. You know, how if you have a rat problem, and you just ignore it, the rats become steadily and steadily higher in number and work their way into every part of the building? That’s what has happened – people ignored the rat problem for way too long and now they over-run, and, pretty much run the place. (and no that was not a play on words for democrats bcause both major parties have their share of rats) It’s almost past time to just” clean house” there now needs to be some MAJOR renovations.

  3. Speaking of elections, I would like to see an initiative put on the ballot regarding the proposed hotel for downtown Bloomington. The citizens should decide the use of taxpayer money for such a project.

  4. Based on comments Ms. Buragas made at the debates, I don’t think she has ever been poor or led a hand to mouth life. At the very least it has been a long time. People that have never struggled financially being in charge of tax dollars concerns me. They frequently have a warped sense of money and lack fiscal restraint. Again, I am speculating based on observations. I know nothing about Ms. Buragas’ history and definitely do not begrudge her her successes.

    1. Correction. I do know she is a lawyer in her father’s law office and lives in White’s Place (all information available on her website). Nothing wrong with either of those things, but not too many attorneys living where she does are hand to mouth. Again, I’m not attacking her success or intending to diminish it (finishing law school is nothing to sneeze at). I’m simply explaining what her worldview appears to be and how it does not lend itself to fiscal restraint.

  5. Why do you continue to post misleading content [Amelia was NOT appointed to the City Council by Mayor Renner and Amelia was appointed to the Evergreen Cemetery Board of Trustees by former Mayor Steve Stockton] in the name of transparency? I see that this is more of the same. Even after you have been made aware of the real facts, you continue to defend posting this misleading and false information? Who’s in your pocket? How much are the candidates you’re supporting giving to this blog! If you want to earn back trust then you must post the names of your contributors to this blog.

    1. Scared of her connection to Renner? Where did I say anything about the Council? Amelia WAS appointed to 2 boards by Renner – that makes her a Renner appointee! Please re-read and see there is nothing misleading.

      Contributors? When I have some I might. Everybody wants a free lunch!

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