Stanford: More problems

By:  Diane Benjamin

When citizens trust the people who run government, but fail to watch their actions – you get this:



Scott Eidenmiller is a trustee who voted for his own raise.  In fact, they all voted to raise their own pay.

Scott’s $3000 is a problem though.  According to the law, trustee salaries for the Fire Protection District can not exceed $1500.  ($1,000 + $500) See below.

Even if the additional compensation for administrative training applied, that’s only an additional $750.  If the Trustees can find in the law where $3000 for Scott is allowed, I’d love to see it!

I wonder what the agenda for the April 10, 2013 meeting said?  Did it state that raises were going to be given to the Trustees?  Maybe it was listed like last night’s meeting:  Any other items or actions:  Agenda 8-12-15  (Not legal!)

In March the Trustees voted to borrow $15,000.  In April they gave themselves raises.  All while nobody was watching.


(c) A member of the board of trustees of a fire protection district may be compensated as follows: in a district having fewer than 4 full time paid firemen, a sum not to exceed $1,000 per annum; in a district having more than 3 but less than 10 full time paid firemen, a sum not to exceed $1,500 per annum; in a district having either 10 or more full time paid firemen, a sum not to exceed $2,000 per annum. In addition, fire districts that operate an ambulance service pursuant to authorization by referendum, as provided in Section 22, may pay trustees an additional annual compensation not to exceed 50% of the amount otherwise authorized herein. The additional compensation shall be an administrative expense of the ambulance service and shall be paid from revenues raised by the ambulance tax levy. In addition, any trustee of a fire protection district who completes a training program on fire protection district administration approved by the Office of the State Fire Marshal may receive additional compensation above the compensation otherwise provided in this Section. The additional compensation shall be equal to 50% of such other compensation. In order to continue to receive the additional compensation, the trustee must attend annual training approved by the Office of the State Fire Marshal on a continuing basis thereafter.

One more thing:

Scott Eidenmiller signs his own checks.  No counter signature required.  My church doesn’t even allow employees to sign their own checks.  It’s not a matter of trust – its COMMON SENSE.  It also looks like the pay is all in one check.


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