4 Ward meeting: the report

By:  Diane Benjamin

It’s funny how the bird-cage liner can count the crowd accurately when it’s liberals holding the meeting.  Yes, there were around 100 citizens at the BCPA last night for a Town Hall meeting held by Aldermen Sage, Buragas, Schmidt, and Black.  What their report omitted was at least 10% were of them were elected officials and City staff.

I was extremely pleased to see protesters outside the building holding great signs before the meeting.  The taxpayers of Bloomington are about to be rolled again by the government for more money because this mayor and council aren’t capable of living within their means.  The signs made their thoughts clear with messages like Stop the Spending and Fire the City Manager.  I saw Aldermen Black and Schmidt talking to the protesters, no proof it affected them however.  April Huber was outside, as she is at every City meeting, conducting “An Awaking”.  Come early to the next one and join her.

The reporter failed to quote Dale Nafzinger, owner of Growing Grounds.  His business is staying in Bloomington, but he isn’t.  He said he has 16 days before his move to the country.  He said he is sick of the taxes and regulations, then he asked if the City just wants 100% of his income.  He asked what is being cut if they want money for mental health.  He didn’t get an answer.   Former Mayor and County Board member Rich Buchanan spoke to almost demand a Sales Tax increase to fund mental health.  Remember he showed up to support spending on flamingos too.  Labeling yourself GOP in McLean County is obviously meaningless.

The meeting was only 1.5 hours, but more than 1/2 hour was spent on a presentation about Code Enforcement and comments from the crowd.  Instead of talking budget we heard about tall weeds, and the neighbor’s grass being too long.

The council still doesn’t understand that pension expense can be controlled – don’t hire people.  If Springfield won’t fix the pension mess, contract more.  The City prefers to tax you instead, David Hales’ staff and the Communications Director are staying – along with their pensions.

I ran into a friend after the meeting who has attended some of the Budget Task Force meetings.  He called it a sham and obviously fixed, the same report I’ve gotten from other attendees.  Everything isn’t on the table, only things that are impossible to do or things citizens won’t support.  Budget TAX Force IS the correct name for the group.  The four aldermen who ran the meeting are already Yes votes to tax you more.  Their version of Quality of Life means your Quality of Life is diminished.

Maybe next time there is an election, the citizens will actually vote.


13 thoughts on “4 Ward meeting: the report

  1. To answer Dale N’s question, yes…the City DOES want 100% of his/our income. Then they can dole back out to us the amount THEY determine we “deserve” – the amount THEY determine is “fair.” They believe they’re better stewards of the money we earn – that they can spend it better and more “compassionately” than we can. This is the ultimate goal of the left – including the professor.

  2. Of the 4 Aldermen that hosted this meeting, I would consider 3 to be outright Communists–though 1, and perhaps 2 of them are simply too stupid to realize that they are. Unfortunately, their lack of intelligence and self awareness does nothing to diminish the tremendous damage they do to this City, every single day. Do you remember when Bloomington-Normal was a nice place to live? I do!

  3. Planned and implemented another dog and pony show presented by Sage, Black, Schmidt, & Buragas. One third of the time allotted for a presentation leaving an average of 15 minutes per ward, calculated on the 4 ward meeting. I am not surprised. It was a set up from the get-go.

    1. With the Mayor, City Manager, Hauman and Fruin also in attendance, had an agenda been posted on the door voting could have occurred.

    1. Maybe the former mayor was “planted” in the audience. He was odd man out–nobody else was pushing for tax increases. Treating Mental Illness is much more complicated than building a wing at the prison. From the comments made at the meeting, understanding of the issues was lacking.

      1. Fourth Wart toad meeting……….

        When I think of RB I recall what Idgie Threadgoode said in the movie “Fried Green Tomatoes” , “That’s right, you gump-face, blown up, …..”

        Not everyone in the city of Bloomington and McLean County are getting a hefty retirement from State Farm like RB is too.

        Dale from Growing Grounds …. I was in there one day and he was talking to a customer and he was talking about taxes and the city. His complaint as I recall over hearing was the city was taking away people’s money to spend. I thought gosh isn’t that the truth.

  4. To be clear, I support mental health. I want to see some cuts in spending. I need to balance my budget, why does the city simply take whatever it wants without any cuts in spending?

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