Who is more incompetent?

By:  Diane Benjamin


Charges were dismissed today against one of the main guys involved at the Coliseum, Bart Rogers.  He was John Butler’s main sidekick.

The judge said the statute of limitations is three years, which means any theft or crimes that may have occurred prior to three years can no longer be prosecuted.

Send Tari Renner, Karen Schmidt, David Sage, Scott Black, Mboka Mwilambwe, and David Hales thank you cards for failing to protect YOUR money.  They were told at least by 2014 an audit needed to be done of concessions.  I’m giving Buragas and Hauman temporary reprieve because they were elected in 2015.

These clowns failed you.

The judge also said the charges were so vague the defendant couldn’t figure out what he was charged with.  Is the States Attorney’s office incapable of properly filing charges?

Keep in mind, the current State’s Attorney wants to be a judge.

Another guy in the office wants to be a Federal Prosecutor.

Sleep tight tonight – government has your back!

(We need a sports complex now, it makes theft so much easier if government is in charge)



11 thoughts on “Who is more incompetent?

  1. YEP! Bloomington and UPTOWN just KEEP getting better, next thing ya know Kim Jung UN will be in charge. Might as well be. I just CANNOT believe that the council and manger could be THAT BLIND to what was going on-PERIOD! And for charges to be dropped? Heck, let’s ALL go run something for the city, say Connect Transit. Maybe Tari isn’t the “RIGHT FIT” to be mayor?

  2. If anyone wanted living proof of why we do not need this kind of leadership at the County level, well just watch this space. It’s like reading the Daily Funnies. Where does Bloomington find these people?

  3. “I’m giving Buragas…a temporary reprieve because (they) were elected in 2015.” You might be but I’m not, and neither should anyone in her ward or this city. I know it’s hard to believe but people still think that since she is a lawyer her education and experience should have alerted other council members of the statutation and if she gave a hoot about the taxpayers funds that she represents she should have been all over this! In addition the over priced lawyers from Springfield should also have sounded the alarm. Another waste of taxpayer money through and through. Disgusting!

    1. Amelia had to know something was wrong or at least fishy. As a lawyer, she should be embarrassed and ashamed, but no..that won’t happen. Her hoity-toity supporters in White Place won’t ask questions or think less of Amelia. She and the other council members, past and present, less Judy Sterns, were protecting their big government and Downtown loving ideology at the expense of taxpayers. They could never bring themselves to admit that Judy raised some valid issues worth exploring or that Diane had a solid lead to follow up or the idea that a government-led development/arrangement should be scuttled. Can’t wait for the sports complex soap opera…*sigh*

  4. How many cases has Chambers actually prosecuted? Seems like he used the “shotgun” approach in this case.
    It will be a real shame if CIAM is never held accountable. The Council and Hales should be ashamed.

  5. Wow. Steal money in broad daylight and get away with it? The liberal progressive democrat communists have their jackboots on the necks of taxpayers in Bloomington, Normal, McLean county. I don’t know if I’m more angry or more frightened.

  6. those in charge of the matter should be fired or impeached of further service , take it a step further cancel any other stupid choices they voted on recently . i wouldn’t be surprised that’s why the city manager left to a new land of fiscal in -opportunity .he knew if this was the case and it’d look bad as a planner and contract maker .. who drew up the contracts and enforced them .. the city lawyers aren’t cheap but also worthless as a pair of tits on a bull .

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