I wonder, I wonder

Is this a person law enforcement should know?



18 thoughts on “I wonder, I wonder

    1. That is a speeding ticket and a ticket for uninsured motor vehicle (which was dismissed, probably just didn’t have an updated card)
      What are you getting at? Or did you not know how to actually read the cases? Because you also have a speeding ticket on your record.

  1. I believe she is the former mayor of Bloomington Indiana, but not sure of the relevance?

      1. Wait is that Kelly’s real name? If so I wonder what RJ McCrackins real name is.

  2. I’m confused as to what is going on here. Have my parents been lying about my real name? Am I adopted? This is big if true!

  3. Diane, just …how? How can you get it completely wrong so many times and still have the confidence to wake up the next day and do it all over again?

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