My changes

I have a few things that will affect how much I write. The first is an eye surgery I had on Monday. That is going to limit screen time until my eye heals. I have no idea how long that will take.

The next one is bigger!

I’m celebrating Veterans Day by bringing home my 92 year old Marine dad to live with us! It is a major life change for all of us, so that might also limit how many stories I write for awhile.

I’m only telling you because many of you readers feel like family. I really appreciate all the support and story tips from you.

If you know a veteran or veteran family member who needs assistance with medical equipment, please contact me. I can hook you up with an organization more than willing to help!

Email me: [email protected]

I appreciate all of you,


24 thoughts on “My changes

  1. Hope everything goes well for you and your family.

    Hurry back as I have always relied on you for years since the first tea party rally in Bloomington.

  2. I’m so sorry to hear about your eye surgery. I hope you heal quickly.
    I’m glad you are in a position to be there got your father. I pray all goes well.
    We will all miss hearing from you as we have come to depend on you for getting the truth out. At this time our country really needs people like you.

  3. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

    Celebrating Veterans Day by doing something meaningful for a veteran beats all of the empty rhetoric of the left about how they support veterans. Substance over symbolism. It’s what Real Americans do

  4. Thank you for all that you do!! Best wishes for quick recovery from surgery and a smooth transition with your dad!!

  5. On this special please relay to your father my thanks to him for his service to our country because of him we can enjoy the freedoms that we have. To you have a speedy recovery and you will be in my prayers.

  6. Diane, I just wanted to thank you for all you do in the hard work that you endeavor in order to keep us informed. I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know

    Judy Hanks, ACBC counselor New Hope Biblical Counseling Isaiah 61:3. Beauty for ashes


  7. Know there are many good thoughts for you and your family by many people who appreciate you and care about you! Thank you for being a connection to sanity in these frustrating times! Speedy recovery and enjoy the blessings of this time with your father.

  8. You are appreciated and will be missed. Thank you for caring for your father. Not many will do that.

  9. I love reading this post! You are a beautiful soul Diane Benjamin! Praying for a speedy recovery dear ❤️

    Thank your father for his service from our family.

  10. Heal quickly. Taking care of your dad is a most honorable task. Thank you for the service that you do every day!

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