Battery Building Joint Venture Between Rivian and Samsung is Dead

By: Diane Benjamin

This is the second source I’ve seen reporting this. Since I rarely see local media, I don’t know if they have reported it yet or not.









14 thoughts on “Battery Building Joint Venture Between Rivian and Samsung is Dead

  1. I posted this the other day for my cool-aid drinking former Mitsubishi members on their site.

    Yes, it is really hard to make “demands” on suppliers when your production is 200 vehicles per WEEK.

    Just for some context here; the 2nd Shift at Mitsubishi set a record one night for producing 515 vehicles in one 10-hour shift.

    No one who has ever worked in auto mass production could (or would) take any company seriously that produces 200 vehicles a week.

    Nothing to see here Mayor Koos, right?

    Rivian’s battery partnership with Samsung falls apart over ‘unacceptable’ demands by the electric truck maker

    1. Koos and his Agenda 21 cabal at Townvl Hall was and has been an easy play for the liar Scaringe. Any type of Green New Deal.legacy build for Koos was always on the table. Rivian saw this and the pursuit for Normal was on. I know three people they have hired for line work that has zero experience in the auto industry that are putting vehicles together. A simple company research would have revealed Rivian’s checkered history and deceit in several communities prior. As long as Scaringe can spend other people’s money, the deceit will continue. Also, Samsung has its own checkered past of dishonesty and corporate corruption. It all fits together.

  2. All was acceptable until they expected Samsung to give up their battery development technology.

    Samsung doesn’t want another competitor. They played a dangerous poker game and lost.

  3. Being a dictator does not always work out. RJ maybe regretting taking business advice from Dictator Koos.

  4. I enjoy watching people laugh when they see a Rivian “truck” that is little more than an extremely overpriced sedan with an open-air trunk. And I’m still not convinced that Rivian’s real business isn’t something else than making impractical bragging junk for people with too much money.

    1. These boys have never operated in the real world. I have said this from the beginning of this fiasco. Everyone has given them a pass on everything. Nothing is ever questioned. They are the startup darlings who are just going to accomplish miracles and if you don’t believe it just ask them or any of their mindless followers. Mass-producing vehicles is an extremely difficult challenging endeavor that takes a mindset that they just don’t have. What they do have is lots of BS, PR, and horseshi$t. The world is not going to just bend to accommodate this company. You have to produce fairly priced world-class vehicles in large numbers consistently day after day after day. If you can’t do that… you are done. 200 vehicles a week – 40 vehicles a day is a joke. If this continues, investors will pull out, the money will dry up and they will close. It’s the real world and no amount of cheerleading or ignoring reality is going to make it go away. And if you bought property last year and think the prices are going to continue to go up… start thinking about selling now. This company is not going to make it.

  5. Who ever claimed they are in fact , even at 200 per week currently ? If one reads the news releases and PR announcements , they all use qualifiers like : ‘eyeing’ ‘hope to’ up to’ ‘anticipating’ ‘projecting ‘etc. Not even Rivian will claim they are producing 200 R1T’s per week currently.

  6. Just announced today Rivian will not be able to sell its vehicles manufactured in Georgia unless franchise law changed. Another company goof.

    1. Interesting indeed. I noticed that the local media in Georgia has run stories both positive and negative about a proposed Rivian deal. We did not see that type of balanced perspective/coverage in BN or Illinois at large before the deal in Normal. It was all one-sided and without debate (present company excluded, Diane).

  7. Rivian essentially wanted another company’s intellectual property or access thereto? That’s a guaranteed “No” in any business partnership. Given this out-of-line request, I have to wonder if “inspect[ing] the interior of the factories” was not necessarily motivated by ordinary partner due diligence. Also, isn’t it odd that Stellantis got the deal with Samsung instead…the very same Stellantis that recently signed an order for trucks with Amazon? Rivian seems to be batting .000 lately.

  8. I can hardly wait until they shutter the place and slink off in the dark of night. I feel sorry for the people who have taken jobs there though, MAYBE some other real car manufacturer will eventually make use of the building, unless they’ve jimmied it up so bad it’s become useless for actually making cars.

    1. I agree. A young couple we just met bought a house, moved here to work at Rivian, and just had a baby. I feel sorry for them and others like them. Just trying to build a life, and now this sucker punch.

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