Just for Amy McFarland and anyone thinking of voting for her 😎

By: Diane Benjamin

The race for Circuit Court Judge has only ONE issue. Next Tuesday is the REPUBLICAN primary. One person running is a Republican – Don Knapp, one is a Democrat pretending to be a Republican – Amy McFarland. I don’t care who has more experience or more qualifications, those issues should have been resolved in the November General Election, not the GOP primary!

Remember this guy? https://blnnews.com/2022/06/16/5-reasons-to-vote-knapp-instead-of-mcfarland/

That would be Amy McFarland’s communication director – John Kim. I wonder if what he posted on Facebook is still there? Luckily I have a copy, see below.

  • Kim proves that what party a judge belongs to affects rulings. Does Amy McFarland think judges make laws? Does the Constitution matter?
  • Kim proves he is going to be sick pulling a Republican ballot to vote for Amy McFarland, why John? 😁
  • Kim proves Amy McFarland didn’t run as a Democrat because it would be hard to get elected
  • I hope the local GOP doesn’t brag about the BIG Tent they created when Democrats pick a Democrat to be the Republican candidate. Brilliant!
  • FYI: A vote for McFarland means you are endorsing Democrats interfering in Republican primaries.
  • Maybe Republicans should start running in Democrat primaries!
  • Were you better off when Trump was president or now?

4 thoughts on “Just for Amy McFarland and anyone thinking of voting for her 😎

  1. Then note to the dems that Kellyanne through Trump under the bus in her new book. So Kellyanne not bad, Don Knapp not bad.

  2. The Republican’s refusal to root RINO’s out is imploding the party. Any other organization would have fired or removed imposters.

  3. Amy would get more votes as a Democrat in the general. Everyone has seen through her charade.

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