Tonight: Bloomington discusses the two biggest wastes of your money!

By: Diane Benjamin

For a change next year’s budget isn’t on the agenda.

These two fleeces are on the agenda, of course nobody will admit the obvious. Is Bloomington going to build a downtown wall to keep tent city out of view? Will anyone ask how many electric buses are working now?

Who exactly wants another $30 million spent downtown? Certainly not the majority that NEVER go there. Elect socialists and you get far left spending.

Voting in early 2025? 🤔 You can change the Council by showing up for a change.

11 thoughts on “Tonight: Bloomington discusses the two biggest wastes of your money!

  1. Did you know the BPD has a Sergeant on payroll whos ONLY JOB is to oversee the custodian/maintenance person at the police station? Seriously, his job duties are to make sure the maintenance guy is changing out TP, replacing burnt out light bulbs, and that the floor is staying clean. He’s a sergeant so hes making 120k or more a year……

  2. I got an eye full on Saturday. I went to shop at a frame shop located near the downtown and I saw they were closed. I circled down to Oakland Ave. and went past the old YMCA and got a picturesque view of tent city in the old YMCA parking lot. Wow!

    Later after 11 am I went back to the downtown and parked SW of the Pantagraph building and walked over to Jefferson St. There in the east entrance to the empty Pantagraph building it looked like trash piled up. Instead it was a homeless person’s home I guess. It looked like the homeless removed the grating from the basment windows trying to get in also.

    The owner of the frame shop said there had been a tent city in the Pantagraph back parking lot at one time until who ever owns the building put up a chain link fence to keep them out.

    Why would anyone want to live there in a condo to see that? Why would any business want to see it also. Seriously it makes you wonder how safe it would be even during the day.

    1. The long- time lib business owners in downtown Bloomington didn’t want to be out-liberaled by their San Francisco or NYC counterparts. It may look bad to you but all is good. Means more business for the coffee shops after the drug addicts shake down some passerbys for loose change. Another trend setting box check for the good, enlightened people of BN.

  3. The conservatives are coming! The conservatives are coming! Quick! Circle the busses. Somebody fire up the tow truck. Yes, that one. The runs that runs on gas and always starts.

  4. Will this city ever become reasonable? If not, I was planning to go to a city council meeting to suggest an install a windmill in in front of law/justice center…better yet leets put solar panels on ALL city buildings.

  5. Solar panels on City of Bloomington building? The same solar panels that caught fire at Olympia high school? Great idea Bloomington Nothing like a solar panel roof fire to get a new government building. The definition of insanity is what? Answer: the city of Bloomington!

    1. Well, probably not the same ones that caught fire at Olympia high School. Because if those caught fire, I don’t imagine they’re usable anymore.

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