Property taxes are the voters fault

By: Diane Benjamin

Actually they are the fault of everyone who DOESN’T bother to vote in local elections.

I’m seeing a lot of unhappy people who opened their property tax bill. Look at who is taxing you. It’s local!

Not voting in local elections makes it really easy to install big government types who have no problem stealing your money. How many people in Bloomington want downtown redesigned at their expense? How many people think the City of Bloomington should RE-BRAND themselves which will require changing the logo on everything?

What is the biggest line item on your property tax bill? Duh, Schools. How many of you voted in the last election for School Board candidates with fiscal responsibility instead of DEI nonsense?

In Bloomington turnout was 23.28%

In the rest of the County the turnout was 27.83%

When voters don’t take citizenship seriously they get what they deserve. If you leave Illinois because of the ridiculous taxes, do better where you move to!

For those of you staying, people running for local offices will be circulating petitions at the end of summer and early fall. Local elections are early in 2025. If you always vote it is your JOB to drag your friends and neighbors to the polls. Most won’t even know an election is happened. That’s on purpose!

County Board elections are this November with the national elections. Vote carefully, this is a partisan election. It should be easy to tell what party should dominate the County since Illinois is completely run by the other one. You can either vote your wallet or for Chicago politics here.

12 thoughts on “Property taxes are the voters fault

  1. This round of property tax increases is just disgusting!!! UNAFFORDABLE!!!

    All of these taxes are killing our local economy

    AND even if you are renting, THESE increases cause your rental rates to go up!!

  2. If you think property tax rates have hit the ceiling, think again. I predict that many townships will see 15% multipliers for next year when they are released in August. The housing boom has not ended. Prices paid for homes continue to boggle the mind. Taxing bodies LOVE the free windfall every year. Someday however, there will be an end to the housing boom. I do not see how new homeowners can afford ever increasing property tax bills as well as sky high insurance premiums. When this cycle ends, it will be VERY ugly in Illinois.

  3. Voting doesn’t work when the candidate(s) on the ballot is/are bad choices. Most of the time, people who would be good choices don’t want to deal with the hassles of holding office.

    Nationally, the elections definitely are rigged. We saw that big time in 2020 with Trump. Also in 2022 with Keri Lake in the race for governor of AZ, and the predicted red wave in Congress that didn’t happen. If the Marxists don’t succeed at convicting Trump before the election, I suspect they will announce the next fake pandemic (disease X or bird flu nonsense) or a climate emergency to lock ppl down, so the only option is mail-in ballots where they can easily rig the election. They will do whatever it takes to keep Marxist Barry and his traitorous band of criminals running this country into the ground.

    Sorry, I’m done wasting my time voting. This mess we’re in will not be fixed by voting.

  4. I was taught in grade school about the importance of voting. I doubt that is even being taught anymore. Socialist groomers would prefer that you don’t vote.

    I was floored when I got my tax bill today. Makes me want to level the whole place but for sure they would tax that as being an improvement at a higher assessed value. I wonder if I parked about a half dozen old vehicles in the yard if that would decrease my value? Let the exterior paint peel. Rarely mow. I stopped Republic trash pickup because of their greed. Heck just throw it outside too. Any other suggestions? Rivian buyer if you want it pay me about 3/4 million. Heck they may all bid on it and see it sell for a million.

    What really p*es me off is sending out the bill about a month before the 1st installment is due.

  5. About once every couple years the time it takes to go to a polling place and cast your vote at most might take you an hour. Out of 17,520 hours in a two year period I think you can spare an hour rather than just give consent to your oppressors by not participating. If the reported 70% of people that are not happy with the direction of this country right now all voted, there would be such a landslide that it could be the beginning of turning this mess around. Just throwing your hands to give up isn’t helping anything at all.

  6. Majority Council of Bloomington voted to keep the tax levy flat…no increase from last year…lower tax rate.

  7. Diane, I agree with you 100%. No one should be complaining about property tax increases in this town. This was 100% avoidable.

  8. Idiots pushing for the unit 5 tax increase cause this! What a bunch of idiots… They said it was for our kids. The first part of that money off the top went to the superintendent and the teachers…. What a bunch of two-faced liars!!

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