Fly on the Wall: Fruin tries to take vote back

I know all - I see all
I know all – I see all
[email protected]

I was buzzing around the Bloomington City Council meeting last night when the Solid Waste vote was taken.  Alderman Jim Fruin voted no, everybody else voted Yes.

The chamber has a really cool board where the votes are shown when complete.  Fruin is a big believer in unity and after he saw the vote wanted to change his so it was unanimous.  Mayor Renner sounded like he almost let him change his vote, but then said NO.

Fruin:  Have you no principles?  If you didn’t believe the ordinance was the right thing to do, why did you not stand by your decision?  Politics is about taking a stand, presenting your opinions, listening to the arguments of others, then making a principled informed decisions and voting based on such.

Politics isn’t “can’t we all just get along?”.  Votes don’t have to be unanimous!  Maybe politicians have such low opinion ratings because they don’t stand for anything!






One thought on “Fly on the Wall: Fruin tries to take vote back

  1. Fruin wants to be “one of the boys” and if you dont vote the way the “boys” do they tend not to want to play with you.

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