Carlock: Value your property values?

by:  Diane Benjamin

Do you know where the money goes Carlock gets from the wind turbines?  Evidently not too many people do.  Maybe you should ask!

Was your new maintenance building constructed without permits or bidding?  I hear it was at least $200,000.  I hear the EPA isn’t happy about the water and sewer there.  Think you should know how your taxes are being spent (wasted?)

I hear snow removal was put out to bid, but a date and time for the bid opening wasn’t included in the notice.  Do you approve of opening bids in secret?  Is that even legal?

I’ve heard other stories from Carlock, like arsenic in the water.  How safe is your water?

Most of your leaders aren’t elected.  A citizen wanted to be appointed as Trustee #6, the President refused because that’s his old seat.

This is a list of the people running Carlock now:

Village President Doug Geshiwlm, Appointed in 2013 for unexpired four-year term. Term ends in 2015 if Village President is elected to fill remainder of the unexpired term, else his term ends in 2017.
Village Trustee #1 Dianna Childers, elected in 2011 for a four-year term ending in 2015.
Village Trustee #2 Grant Reynolds, appointed in 2013 for an unexpired two-year term ending in 2015.
Village Trustee #3 Stephanie Tudder, appointed in 2013 for an unexpired two-year term ending in 2015.
Village Trustee #4 James Fogle, elected in 2013 for a four-year term ending in 2017.
Village Trustee #5 Syl Keller, appointed in 2013 for an unexpired four-year term. Term ends in 2015 if an individual is elected Trustee to hold the remaining unexpired term, else his term ends in 2017.
Village Trustee #6 Vacancy
Water Superintendent – James M. Larimore, appointed September 2014 for the remaining fiscal year ending May, 2015.
Village Treasurer Terri Huber, appointed May 2014 for a one year term ending May 2015.
Village Clerk Michele Becker, appointed May 2014 for a one year term ending May 2015.

These offices WILL be on the ballot next year, petitions are due in November.  These people affect your taxes and property values.  Are you planning on sitting out another election?

Village President – 2 year unexpired term
Village Trustee – 4 year term
Village Trustee – 4 year term
Village Trustee – 4 year term
Village Trustee – 2 year unexpired term
Village Trustee – 2 year unexpired term

It would be nice if only smart people dripping with integrity got elected.  That doesn’t happen.  The only way to be safe from what government does to you is to hold them accountable.

Your turn Carlock!

The County Clerk has petitions, get signatures to run.  It isn’t going to take many votes to get elected.







18 thoughts on “Carlock: Value your property values?

  1. This is the first time I have been aware of your blog. I would like to clarify a few things: 1. The Water Superintendent, Village Clerk, and Village Treaurer are not elected positions. Never have been. They are hired by the board, or “appointed” as you say. They are not voting positions on the board nor are they contributors to board discussions or decisions unless they are asked directly to provide information regarding village business. 2. Trustees are appointed to fulfill a term when a trustee position has become vacant and/or nobody runs for election. Unfortunately, historically not many people want to run for election. It is a concern and has been a struggle for many years. 3. It is my understanding the Trustee #6 is fulfilling the duties as acting Board President because the office became vacant. I believe his appointment was merely to fulfill those duties in the interim until someone else steps into that roll. Therefore, technically, the Trustee #6 position is not vacant. 4. The arsenic levels in the water have always been there, but when the government lowered the allowable limits standards it made the village water non-compliant. Hence the new water tower, wells and water plant. It has been a slow process, but It is nearing completion. I grew up on that water…the levels have not changed, just the allowable limits set by the government.

    My comments are not meant to defend any one member of the current board, but I do believe there are good people trying their hardest to make the right decisions with a VERY MODEST tax base and income. Your comments seem to imply that those appointed to their positions are there due to favoritism. Not so, they are there to fill a void, whether they applied for the position, were asked to serve, or volunteered to step in. I know at least one board member would gladly step down if someone would run for election, but nobody has, and so they fulfill the duties as an appointee because nobody else will.

    Regarding the water….The water has been an issue here forever. I mean forever! Finally, a new water tower was built several years ago and a new well dug. And now a new water plant is being built to hopefully solve the water issues and improve water quality. None of these issues are new and none are being ignored. But for a village that runs on an annual tax base $20,000-$30,000, (Yep, I’m pretty sure that’s it) it takes time. The village does receive a couple other sources of income…sales tax, road fuel tax, and windmill dollars….but they are nominal, especially in comparison to water projects that easily total over a million dollars. And trust me, they are not getting rich from the windmills. Though it’s a nice boost to the income. I’m pretty sure it’s going into that water plant and other town operations. (Not to mention that the Energy company is consistently late in making their payments to the village, making budgeting and planning difficult.)

    I would like to have these questions answered:
    1. Are you a citizen and/or property owner in the village?
    2. From where and/or whom did you “hear” all of this? Who/what is your source?
    3. Have you asked to hear the “other side”? Have you researched the stories for accuracy?
    4. Or are you just interested in stirring the pot?

    I’m not saying everything is perfect, all decisions are correct, or even that all the people involved are the best qualified. For sure there can be changes made. There is certainly room for improvement…there always is. But I do believe most serving, whether appointed or elected, are doing so because of a genuine commitment to this community.

    This blog could be more useful to the process by providing a positive forum for open and meaningful discussion rather than using incendiary jabs that put people on the defensive. Nothing much positive gets accomplished when people feel they are being personally attacked. And most certainly, not many people want to run for election if they believe they are entering a firestorm.

    1. The current office holders, vacancies, and what will be on the ballot next year was received under the Freedom of Information Act. #6 was reported to me as vacant.

      Are you trying to imply citizens shouldn’t ask questions? Merely trusting people, especially when they aren’t elected, is a recipe for disaster. Does it offend you when citizens want information?

  2. NO! Not implying that at all. But you seem to be implying that those who are appointed are lesser dedicated or qualified than those who are elected and that is unfair. Explain to me what the village is to do if a position becomes vacant. The standard procedure with any board I have been on is that someone is appointed to filfill that position for the remainder of the term. What is the village to do if nobody runs for election? The standard procedure is to appoint someone to fulfill that position. You are absolutely correct that if someone does not like what is happening, then they should run for election. Unfortunately, that has not been the case here. I just hear lots of grumblings on the sidelines. Kudos to those willing to step in.

    I do agree there are definite changes to be made with the board, I just believe your comments weren’t entirely fair and another side of thought needed to be presented.

    And as I stated above, the clerk, treasurer, and water super are hired by the board. They carry out the day to day operations of the village…within the parameters directed to them by the board…but are not voting members of the board. Your comments made it sound as if they have received those positions unfairly and/or are in decision making rolls. (Can’t really speak to the water super…he’s new. Don’t know the circumstances. But his position like the clerk and treasurer are not voting positions.).

    My apologies about the #6 vacancy, It must have changed, because that is how it was previously.

    I hope new people run for election. It’s far more productive when people get INVOLVED in the process instead of stand at the sidelines and throw stones.

    1. Obviously the people who contacted me were getting nowhere with their questions. If the post prompts people to ask questions, that’s a good thing. The post doesn’t say anything about positions the board appointed, are you trying to say something about them? Are the financial statements readily available? A website is cheap, even free. Transparency wouldn’t hurt.

  3. Your post absolutely says something about the appointed positions. It hi-lites the word “appointed” in red and your comment in the last response “Merely trusting people, especially when they aren’t elected, is a recipe for disaster.” implies to me that you have issues with the appointed positions.

    I would hope the financials were available and legally they are required to be available, obviously. Annual reports have to be published and filed at the county level. Budgets and levies have to be filed at the county level. If the people that brought this to your attention asked and did not receive any answers, then that is very misfortunate . . . and there are channels to take to address that. Did you ask them, by chance, what avenues they took to get the answers? Did they talk directly to board members? Did they make a FOIA request? Are they running for election to the board? (Because there have been vacant seats for years here.) Did YOU reach out to the board members to ask for clarification or did you just take your source’s word for it? I’m not saying your source is wrong at all. Just wondering if all sides of the issues were considered before you wrote your blog.

    Website would be nice, yes. They are cheap, yes, but still require time. Nobody on this board – elected, appointed, paid, or otherwise – does this as a fulltime job. It’s in addition to their fulltime daily lives.

    And, I might add, though I realize it shouldn’t matter, HOW someone approaches another for answers can make all the difference in the world in how they receive their responses. Calm, cool, professional heads usually prevail with more success than angry public provocations. In the end, I think we all want the same thing, but where the latter tends to be more alienating, the former is more inclusive and generally sets the stage for more success in the long term.

    1. Sorry! I forgot the others were part of the FOIA. I’m only concerned with offices that should be elected according to the law. Only 2 trustees were. Do you realize you don’t have a website so contact information isn’t readily available? All I did was ask questions, I know what the people in office would say – the same thing they all say. Nothing to see here – move along.

      How many stories of corruption and mismanagement of public funds do you need to hear? The people affected thought “it can never happen here” too. You are really defensive for someone who thinks the problems aren’t serious.

      I also notice none of the questions I asked have been answered.

  4. No, not defensive at all! I’ve stated more than once above that I believe changes need to be made as well.

    When you say, “I know what the people in office would say – the same thing they all say. Nothing to see here – move along.” you are making assumptions and generalizations. It’s unfortunate that you believe ALL people serving in public offices are the same. If that’s the case, then what difference does it make if anyone runs for office or is appointed? Certainly I understand why the public is so cynical regarding government entities. . .we hear about corruption all the time. . . but it’s still unfair to assume that all those in office are the same. That comment also implies to me that you did not contact the village board members yourself.

    Also, mismanagement of funds does not necessarily equal corruption. It can, but not necessarily. It can simply just be unqualified people making bad and/or uninformed decisions. Which is extremely troublesome, and is why more people need to be involved. . .which is something I think we agree on.

    And, again. . . if nobody runs for election as has been historically an issue in Carlock, what do you suggest the village does in order to fulfill those vacant positions for the current terms? The only way to fulfill the positions, in order to carry on business, is by appointment – which is a legal procedure to fulfill vacant positions.

    And here, I googled Carlock, IL Trustees and found this link in less than 15 seconds:
    It has Carlock office contact information as well as contact information for the board members. As I said above, I too think it would be nice to have a website. Maybe it’s in the works, maybe it’s a time issue, I don’t know, but the information is available.

    Have a good day!

    1. I don’t see phone numbers or email addresses. I just asked questions that still haven’t been answered. From the number of reads, everybody in Carlock has seen it. I predict somebody will step up and run. I speak from experience, today’s government is in it for themselves – not the people footing the bills. Were building permits issued? Many problems could have been avoided.

  5. Oh, I’m sorry. I quickly glanced and the numbers under the names are term years not phone numbers. My mistake. I suggest calling the office and getting the contact information. Honestly, finding people in Carlock is not that hard. 🙂

    I cannot speak to the building permits. I am unaware of that issue. If what you are suggesting is true, then I have a problem with that. But, I’m sure that information is also available with an FOIA request if you cannot get a satisfactory answer from anyone.

    I’m sorry your experience has been such that your entire view of local government is so negative. I believe there are a lot of people in office that are in it for selfish reasons. But as far as Carlock goes, I believe, for the most part, those serving – whether I like them or not and whether I agree with them or not – are serving with good intentions. Doesn’t make everything right, but corrupt? Better show me proof of purposeful misdeeds.

    I hope people step up and run.

    Are you running for an office?

    1. No, I’m not running for anything and have no plans to ever run for anything again. I did once, that office is probably being abolished in November. There is no local press, so now I investigate, report, or just ask questions.

      Small towns are notorious for being little cabals. I haven’t printed half of what I’ve heard about Carlock. Your small town isn’t the only one.

      I know 2 people who I consider public servants. It isn’t easy to stand for what is right, most give up. (I know plenty of those)

  6. It’s good to ask, investigate and report. And praises to you for taking on that roll. . . it’s an important roll, but huge responsibility comes with it as well, as I’m sure you’re aware. It’s easy to just report what you hear. The responsibility you bear as the asker, investigator and reporter is verifying the accuracy of what you hear and that’s a pretty large responsibility. I wish you the best of luck!

  7. I am an “appointed” trustee for the village of Carlock. You may contact me at 309-445-3133. I have two things to say. 1st, Rhonda, thank you for the honest comments you are making on this blog. Unfortunately some people aren’t truly interested in resolution, they are only intetested in being entertained by drama and bizzarre conspiracy theories… #2 It has always been public knowledge where and when the village board meetings happen… On the 4th Tuesday of the month ( not down at the restaurant in the morning, where I am sure the source of this misleading information came from). The funny thing is….. I NEVER see any of the people who are so upset and confused and ” ignored” at the board meetings. How many votes did the “elected” positions receive? My point is noone in our town is interested in anything until someone makes it sound conspiratory and dramatic……. Oh one more thing, I resent the implication that I have no morals intelligence or that I lack of integrity. I volunteered for this position because I felt it was my generations turn to take the reigns. If it had been an election year I would have run for office. Now I am not so sure if I would run. I am starting to feel most arent happy unless they create some drama. If there are Any other comments or questions…BY ANYONE…. That I can answer, please feel free to use any of my information to get in touch with myself or any if any of my fellow tustees are needed I have their information.

    1. All the story did was ask questions. If more people recognize they have to know what their government is up to, then mission accomplished. Anybody in government works FOR the people. If they are annoyed by questions, they are in the wrong job.

      1. Is this in reply to what I posted? I in no way am annoyed by questions. I am annoyed by the LACK of them as a matter of fact. Especially when absolutly noone but the village trustees and other officials show up to the meetings. Then the meetings are follwed up by insinuations rather than questions because one person goes to the people and misleads them into falling for crazy conspiracy theories, simply because their family has had a beef with them for years. Maam I truly respect the points you have brought up, however, the people in this town are always looking for something to complain about or blame someone else for. The issues out here run far deeper than a village board. Truth be known the board of trustees is quite boring and by the books. Its just there are a few people who choose to put a spin on things that don’t need to be spun. If I put my self accross as being annoyed by questions that was not my intention. I am only annoyed that noone ever ever ever comes to the board meetings. So that being said, how in the world do they have a right to complain?!?! ( sorry but its that simple) I have had a few people complain to me about things and I tell them come to the meeting and say your piece. Let the board know how you feel. Then, they dont show. When I say noone comes, i mean noone comes. It is as if they only want to be negative and complain. They truly dont want things fixed. Some even enjoy adding to the problem rather than chipping away at it. I am not killing the messenger, but , we dont need your blog raising questions and adding to our drama out here. We have plenty. And most of it has nothing to do with the village board of trustees. It is family feuds and stupid grade school arguments that have gone on for years. Of course the right hand isnt going to like what the left hand is doing. So please, go stir someone elses pot, ours is already mixed pretty thoroughly.

  8. I appreciate all the comments on this blog. There have been many good points made.

    Stephanie Tudder: people do attend the meetings….it may only be one or two but they are there almost every month. Please don’t think they are invisible because their opinions differ from yours or the board. The board meetings are a great way to listen to what the people want even if their delivery isn’t so great…the message is pure.

    Rhonda Baer: you are correct that the appointed people are probably there or started out for sincere reasons.

    ADA compliance laws have been around for over 10 years and the Village of Carlock complied 10 years ago with all but one sidewalk corner. That corner got done this year. It was a request at the board meeting over three years ago by a concerned citizen. It took a phone call to the State of Illinois to make it happen. Whose corner is that you ask? The Village President’s corner. He lost a lot of property because of the construction but so did the corner of Washington and Church St. – that corner was done 10 years ago. My point being…if you are in charge of the government shouldn’t you abide by the rules just like every private citizen whether you like them or not? In Carlock it appears that if you are the government you don’t until someone makes you.

    My faith is small in a board where the Village President admits he hasn’t run for election in approx. 30 years……his reason? Why bother with the process. Unfortunately that seems to be the same with several trustees….. Do our appointed trustees have such great disrespect for the election process that they refuse to participate? Even the federal government requires election at the end of an appointed term.

    I feel the most important issue is how this board uses public tax dollars:

    It is my opinion that the new public storage building was build without any public bidding process and no permits from the county. It is my opinion that there were no studies prior to the building and placement of that building with regards to the hazardous material storage area that this new building was place upon. Fact: The foundation of that building is the old retaining wall that was around said hazardous spillage area. Anybody remember Miller Oil from 30 40 years ago? I pointed that out at the Village monthly meeting. After my comments….they had it covered with dirt on the outside within two days – the inside is now covered with tin. Out of sight out of mind…..nothing to see here folks….move along…..

    The village pays “rent” to the railroad for the ground that building sits on. Is there not village ground available that could serve the same need and save tax dollars? I’ve never understood why there is a door so big that a freight train could drive thru but maybe that was a condition of the rental agreement with the railroad.

    The building was erected prior to the sewer and water ground work. They built the building and then had to figure out how to get water and sewer to it. (across the road on village property) The sewer was under or very near the new water treatment plant. (across the road on village property) This is a public building paid for with public tax dollars.

    The EPA and OSHA have written them up on violations during construction of the water treatment plant. This may be normal….I’m not an expert but it is disturbing.

    What about the public bids for snow plowing? Are they opened in secret meetings? Are all public bids done this way?

    It is issues such as these that lead to mistrust from the public not family feuds and grade school fights.

    I have more……ask me about Rock Creek and the State of Illinois Department of Natural Resources……ask me about the $40,100 of misc. income that is assigned to the water department….ask me about the auditors report verbage of the financials ..

    I am glad that we are asking questions…….I would really like some constructive applicable answers……

    if it takes this blog to get answers then great…..

    To bad no answers were forthcoming when these issues were addressed to the board at a public board meeting.

  9. There a several good points here. I think the main problem is lack of participation from the village residents. If they have concerns they need to voice them to the village board, not only gossiping over breakfast coffee. I would like to add to the list of concerns, there seems to be a rampant drug problem in Carlock. Since the Danvers police starting patrolling Carlock the petty crimes seem to have decreased but the more dangerous crime of drugs seems to have increased. Theres noting worse than exposing this to the young children of Carlock. Lets all work together to make clean up Carlock!

  10. Interesting no comments regarding last nights village board meeting…which was well attended and informative. It seems that not everyone had all the facts or was willing to stay and listen to explanations.

    Concerned Citizen, please take the time to talk to the paroling officers or make a 911 call and report what you see– be a part of the solution.

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