ISU: Church & State?

By:  Diane Benjamin

ISU has a long history of inviting leftist activists to campus.  If an activist on the right has been invited, I missed it.  Here is the latest:

Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou is a minister.  Is he going to leave his version of religion out of his speech?  Would Franklin Graham be invited and allowed to speak on his version of religion?

The video below is from June of this year.  If you don’t want to watch the entire speech, start at 14:11.  The Reverend calls for Freedom Fighters willing to shed blood.

Is ISU promoting racial tension?  Are they promoting the reverend’s version of religion?  Last year the speaker’s topic for this event was Breaking Through the Beltway: The Myths, Legends, and Realities of Capitol Hill.  The Reverend’s topic this year is “A New Civil Rights Movement? Ferguson, Black Lives Matter, and the Future of Nonviolence”.

The title seems to conflict with Sekou’s June speech.

ISU would better serve students with speakers who triumphed in the face of adversity.   I wonder if the Reverend will examine how Michael Brown contributed to his own demise?  I wonder if he will proclaim the need for personal responsibility?

Black Lives do matter, but so does every other color.  Why do some people thrive after being raised in places like Ferguson and others fail?

ISU chose not answer that question.

Maybe this kid could help.  How about inviting him?



6 thoughts on “ISU: Church & State?

  1. ISU, like IWU, has become a Center For Leftist Indoctrination. And every time, EVERY TIME an alum sends them ANY type of financial support, they are, at least indirectly, supporting this Marxist, anti-American worldview. Please think about this before signing that next check.

  2. Also shortly after the Ferguson Incident Bloomington Mayor and City Council members who signed the “Not in Our Town Pledge” betrayed their pledge. Illinois Peoples Action members held a rally at City Hall in support of the “Black Lives Matter Campaign.” Their guest speaker on the front lawn of City Hall was a high ranking official from Louis Farakan’s Nation of Islam. Even the ultra liberal Southern Poverty Law Center lists them as a hate group. Numerous references to white people and Jews as Devils and more recently quotes from Farakan himself about an Army of 10,000 to kill whites. Once again Not in Our Town was proven to be a joke and city officials proved the pledge means nothing.

  3. I agree that for debate sake, more conservative speakers should be invited. Quit the indoctrination line and maybe more are invited. Sort of a “I respect you, you respect me.” If private, conservative schools can do it in the face of backlash for liberal speakers, I am sure public universities can do the same for conservative speakers.

  4. Interesting historical? twist on the bible. Handyman-carpenter, I don’t think Jesus “in the day” was really either, more in “search of himself” but maybe the ole Rev walked with him ALL those years he’s unaccounted for. Guess I’ll quit looking at rainbows too, as GOD is STILL angry! BUMMER! Interesting though he brings up the point of “KIDS PLAYING WITH GUYS” ANY sane person adult or kid DOES NOT “play” with guns! They are NOT a toy, as so many have treated them as, much to their regret-just ask Adolph Hitler how it worked out for him, along with “spewing” out hatred toward ANY other humans. I don’t think ole “Adolph” in his later days thought it a good idea-especially in his reich chancellory! CRAP- here come the Americans AND the Russians, and boy they look pissed. Wonder WHY???

  5. We had David Brooks last year, but they didn’t publicize it well. I think it would be great if ISU, and other higher ed institutions, would bring two people from each side to come on campus and have debates about issues.

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