Open Meetings Act Violation? (again)

Don’t miss the follow-up story:

By:  Diane Benjamin

Part one of the November Council retreat is tonight at 5:30.

At the 11/9 Council meeting, David Hales announced the second half would be on Saturday November 21st at 8:00am.  According to the Open Meetings Act law, an agenda must be posted 48 hours in advance, both on the City website and the place where the meeting is scheduled to take place.

If David Hales is planning a meeting Saturday morning, he can change his plans.  Nothing is posted, therefore the meeting is illegal.

Did the plans change OR is somebody incompetent?  Didn’t this same thing happen last year, or was it the year before.  So many violations, it’s hard to remember them all.

Hit play:

3 thoughts on “Open Meetings Act Violation? (again)

    1. Looks like the Finance Department couldn’t compile the necessary information for the budget discussions even though they knew about the retreats agenda well in advance. Maybe they are too busy processing the feasibility of a downtown hotel.

  1. Thought we had a communications manager one would think that person would be bird dogging and know it was not going to happen then you know communicate that before the deadline. Looks like to me they are incompetent in one of the simplest tasks a city can do is having a meeting. Unless, you do not have everyone on the same page yet or your numbers in the budget need some more slush money moved around. Sick of all these operational errors and the only person not new is HALES and RENNER.

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