Allin Fire – Say What?

By:  Diane Benjamin

See what the Allin Fire Protection District reported to the State of Illinois here for the year ended 5/30/2015:

The link shows Revenues of $208,281

It shows Expenses of $203,005


According to this document:  Allin Fire

Revenues were $238,906.88 (including a $45,000 operating loan)

Expenses were $237,647.56

Neither number is $45,000 off from what was reported to the State.


Now see this document:  Allin P&L  (The only one with details of spending)

It shows Revenues of $207,647.56

It shows Expenses of $207,058.29

Note:  The numbers still don’t match what was reported to the State

Included in Expenses is : Reconciling Discrepancies for $5824.02.  Seriously?  In other words, you couldn’t figure it out so you just made a one-sided entry to balance?

Also shown is $-14,905.00 labeled Operating Loan.  According to what was reported to the State, they did pay back $10,000.  There is a $10,000 expense listed as Truck Loan.  Has Scott Eidenmiller taken a basic bookkeeping course?  What’s the negative $14,905?

It also shows paying $23,712.53 on an ambulance loan, but that debt payment wasn’t reported to the State.

Do the citizens know they paid $667 for a Christmas Dinner?

Where is the $45,000 operating loan and why was it needed?  If it was spent, what was it spent on?


Maybe Eidenmiller and Michael Owen can start by explaining this:

allinWhile you are asking questions:

Why are the meeting minutes for the Village of Stanford missing?

Agendas are there!




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