Tari’s scream for love

By:  Diane Benjamin

I’m sure you’ve heard Tari has 3 Town Hall meetings scheduled for December.  The only questions now are:

  • How many police will be at each event to protect him?
  • How many of “his” people will attend to applaud his every word?
  • Will anybody be able to have opinions other than his?
  • Will Tari’s “brief high level comments” take up most of the time?
  • How many people are sick of the “transparency score” rhetoric that only applies to 10 points on the website?
  • How many people will he attack or run from?
  • How many people care what Tari has to say?

If you oppose his plans to make Bloomington a Sanctuary City, attend on December 5th.

He may try to discuss it and vote during the Council meeting on the 11th.


16 thoughts on “Tari’s scream for love

  1. High level update? What the heck is a high level update and how can it be presented by a low level socialist?

  2. So is this how the mayor gets his agenda passed? He comes up with an issue he supports. He then packs the small chambers with his cronies who are a minute fractional representation of the community and then declare we must do something about it. A few dozen people going to a council meeting doesn’t create a mandate. It’s almost self fulfilling prophecy.

    1. I would really like to encourage everyone who reads Blnnews.com to attend these meetings at least 1. Bring signs. Hoot and holler. Be heard. I’ve decided that I’m going to start clapping for people I agree with during public comment at Council. I noticed not a word was said and no arrest were made Monday. If it’s ok for some it’s ok for all right? Diane, I may need you to start a go fund me account for bail money…because I bet I get prosecuted.

  3. Betcha Tari announces at the Y meeting that the “city” is buying the old transit system property for 500K and will sell it to the YMCA for a buck!

      1. LOL! Never happen the King is here to stay unless more people like you start coming out of woodwork

  4. I tried to debate this tactic of sanctuary city and was called a resist . I said it’s not about color , it’s about building a political base , making money and cheap labor .. I don’t mind helping others , but it puts a strain on schools , some jobs , and housing . who foots the bill . who obtained these folk . why are they here and why had them citizen rights others earned and paid for , you know to a certain party wants them as registered voters .. what ?? I get the charity , along with more taxes and no federal help on city or state bills , just lovely .

  5. Pontification and bloviation. He has to reassure his base that the budget crisis won’t have a detrimental effect on his special interests.

  6. You should really delete that comment. It makes your site look bad and gives more fuel to those that don’t like you.

  7. I did my part by telling the alderman & mayor I was opposed to it. Now the rest of you need to do your part instead of just talking about it.

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