Unit 5 EATS

By:  Diane Benjamin

unit 5 stuff

This pic is everything I received from Unit 5 – except the MarK Daniel charges I posted earlier today.

The short stack in front are statements I found nothing interesting on.  (Not many of them!)

The large stack on the back left is 5 months of charges not included below.  I have looked at every page, they contain more of the same below.

All of the below is from June 2018 – December 2018 statements.  If the receipts had any notes on them, I referenced it.  Most of them did not have any notes stating the purpose.

Casey’s breakfast pizza is very popular, occasionally doughnuts are too.

According to Unit 5:  SBAA – Student Based Activity Accounts (Individual school accounts where the money that comes from fundraisers, donations, etc.)

Although other charges could be questioned, this list is almost all food.  I’m positive I missed some, my eyes are worn out!

Sales tax is on some of these charges!

unit 5 foodunit 5 food2



11 thoughts on “Unit 5 EATS

  1. Wow, they get a LOT of free feeds, and I am sure they are not eligible for the free school feedings income wise, and yet, there they go getting lots of free food – well, sort of free, nothing is really free somebody pays for it.

  2. Seriously! How dare they! Who do these people think they are? Royalty? This need to institute a rule: Eat before the meeting, gathering, get together, or whatever. And bring your own coffee, water, or soft drink with you.

      1. Yep, had a gas station do that once on a charge….it was not correct and got it fixed. I do find the exact same amount and no receipt on second one a little fishy. I know I should trust the local gov’t here without question.

  3. Just remember this article when Unit 5 pumps the masses for more money! Now you know where its going to! Just remember this article when your child is sitting in classes of 40 or 50 because unit 5 is out of money and laid off 120 teachers. Just remember this article when your child comes home and cant tell the difference between left and right because Unit 5 is SO broke they cant teach your child.

  4. Things that greatly concern me: a large amount of money spent over the summer at Gill Street; other meals purchased over the summer; paying tax when the district shouldn’t. Even if it’s $1,000 a year across the district, that shouldn’t happen.

    If some of these costs are reimbursed, ex. through Student Council fundraising or the individuals repaid the district, that would be important for U5 to note in their study of this.

    If someone is getting paid to work during a timeframe, ex. coming in to do registration, their meals shouldn’t be provided. I doubt U5 employees are being taxed on this.

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