Dan Brady

By: Diane Benjamin

Long time readers know I have been really hard on Dan Brady. The main reason was because he was in leadership of the Republican Party in Springfield and I saw him do ZERO to stop the Democrat supermajority from railroading destructive legislation.

One thing Dan did do really well as a State Representative was constituent services. If you called him about a problem he could get it fixed.

That will suit him well in his next endeavor. Stay tuned. (No hints!)

14 thoughts on “Dan Brady

  1. Dan the RINO was indeed a glad hander. If he is running again, that must mean the leftist marxist democrats in Springfield have determined he can play in their sandbox. No thanks Dan. Or, at least have the integrity to run as a democrat. At least be honest about it.

  2. Executing data and tax exploit of Illinois Citizens and benefiting his political and real estate and university partners? Just a guess…Hope I’m wrong cause he and his partners have been doing this for years. Nothing for real Republicans or constituents.

  3. IllinoisSunshine.org says it all. His money came mostly from the teacher’s unions and PACs and HRO. And, his constituent services were pick and choose. We ran into many who were rudely addressed or ignored by Dan. His former campaign manager said often that it wasn’t he who helped or who wrote the card of condolences, etc, but her and his paid staff funded by tax payer money. While I wish Dan and his family no harm and happiness, anything involving the government or politics is not okay.

  4. When I was young and niave, I attended Dan Brady fund raisers because I thought he was conservative. Later on I ran for Normal Council 3 times. Dan would slap me on the back and shake my hand and ask for my vote when he continued to run for re-election. However, not once when I was running for council did he say to me something such as, I wish you well in your campaign or I hope you win or ask how my campaign was going. With the exception of Scott Preston, he was perfectly happy with the status quo of a liberal Town Council having one quasi conservative on the Council. The term “Republican in Name only or RINO fits Dan to a T.

    1. Pretty sad, isnt it? BN was and is my hometown. I learned the hard way many times that you couldn’t trust anyone there outside of your immediate family. The community was phoney and everybody was out for themselves. I think alot of it had to do with the SF culture that permeated the city and it affected everyone else. Few saw anything wrong with lying or backstabbing on a daily basis. Didn’t matter if it was work, friendships, or business dealings. Never understood it. It was like if you had something that another didn’t, they wanted it. To me, it got worse with each passing year. The city is just toxic and full of jealousy. The community never reached its full potential because the egos were so bad that certain people had to make all the decisions even if they were the wrong ones. It’s an established Clique and not a good one. You can see the place going downhill fast because of it.

      1. Another diatribe of insults towards the residents of Bloomington /Normal. You went away! Stay away!!!!

    2. just another elite career politician slapping hands with the Country, State Farm, IFB, Real estate, “transformation” Chamber and ISU “leaders”

      wackos that double dip in corporate and private “leadership” or roles.

      RINO money bags

  5. Both Bradys (Dan and Bill) are really Democrats. The only reason they ran as Republicans is because that is the only way they could get elected in a red area of the state.

  6. Fourteen years ago I asked a couple questions about the influence of social justice in academia and government being pushed by organizations. Dan Brady quickly dismissed me and seemed agitated that even asked the questions. Now look at our society and how it has gone to hell

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