Remember when Judy Stearns walked out . . .

By:  Diane Benjamin

It was way back in November of 2013 when Judy Stearns walked out of what she called an illegal Executive Session (Secret Meeting).

She filed a Request for Review with Lisa Madigan’s Public Access office – they didn’t bother doing much with the filing until Judy was long out of office.  She chose not to run for re-election by term-limiting herself, unlike some other Council members who think they are entitled to their seats – but I digress.

The City of Bloomington was eventually forced to release a transcript of the illegal meeting after Public Access agreed it was illegal.  The heavily redacted transcript was finally released in August of 2016.  I wrote about it HERE

Today I got an email from the AG’s office:

agNo, the transcript isn’t good enough.

You deserve to hear HOW the words were said!  Stearns felt threatened when told by Renner not to criticize David Hales in public again. Later Renner tells the Council to have David Hales back.

Obviously Renner doesn’t believe the Council represents their Wards.  They are pawns who need to vote for whatever agenda is presented.

You deserve to HEAR the audio.  I’m going to keep fighting to get it.

It needs to be released UN-redacted, more than three years later – at this point What Difference Does It Make?





3 thoughts on “Remember when Judy Stearns walked out . . .

  1. Renner claims the City’s technology is having trouble redacting the tape. I hope the tape’s redaction is not as extreme as the written transcript.

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