Update: Tari’s Hotel: Trying to hide?

Update:    City Attorney Jeff Jurgens just sent me a copy of the bill.  Tari stayed for 5 nights:   Marriott Receipt

By:  Diane Benjamin

The hotel bill for Chris Koos at the US Conference of Mayors in Boston was :  $1209.99

That bill included two charges from the hotel’s Champion Sports Bar and 3 nights stay.

Tari Renner went to the same conference.  His hotel bill was $1888.45

That is $678.46 higher than Koos!

Of course I filed a FOIA request for the bill.

I received a response late Friday.  FOIA_5_RESPONSE_18-07-0849

The bill was NOT included in the FOIA.

The response claims Tari stayed 4 nights, so unless he booked a more expensive room, that another $330 plus taxes.  The response claims there were no charges for the Champion Sports Bar.  That must mean the City has a copy of the bill.

Of course I’m not buying anything they say.  I will get a copy of that bill even if it means another lawsuit.

To prove the US Conference of Mayors is a left-wing group partying at your expense, these are some of the resolutions they passed in Boston:

In Support of Climate Resiliency     https://www.usmayors.org/the-conference/resolutions/?category=c9171&meeting=86th%20Annual%20Meeting

Weather can’t accurately be forecast, but climate change can. 

Support Public and Affordable Housing Initiatives     https://www.usmayors.org/the-conference/resolutions/?category=c9143&meeting=86th%20Annual%20Meeting

Of course more of your money is needed to house people priced out of housing.  Maybe these mayors should quit passing taxes and resolutions that make housing unaffordable.  That isn’t in the resolution however.

Oppose HHS’ Proposed Regulation Entitled “Protecting Statutory Conscience Rights in Health Care; Delegations of Authority”


This resolution supports violating the rights of those who believe abortion is murder!

#NEVERAGAIN     https://www.usmayors.org/the-conference/resolutions/?category=c9149&meeting=86th%20Annual%20Meeting

This resolution supports new gun laws, of course banning “military-style assault weapons”.

These are just a few of the resolutions passed at this conference.

You can search the others by committee here:    https://www.usmayors.org/the-conference/adopted-policies/adopted-policies-86th-annual-meeting/






13 thoughts on “Update: Tari’s Hotel: Trying to hide?

  1. The employee’s response was incorrect as the stay incurring the charges was from 6/7-6/12. If she would have said the correct dates of the stay, it would be known Renner stayed five nights for what should have been a three night trip. In the real world, you pay an extra night or two stay separate from what you submit to the city. It would be really nice if when I traveled for work, I could be like the Mayor and have them pay for two extra nights. There also isn’t any justification like this extra $600+ in hotel expenses saved on $1,000 in flight costs. Nope, just Renner spending more and more taxpayer dollars, just like all the meals throughout the years at Rosie’s.

  2. He should reimburse the city for those two extra nights and be charged for using city funds for personal use (I know that is extremely unlikely).

  3. Loss of P-card still the mayor never learns. Can’t trust this guy. Council should revoke ALL travel receipts on him. No more out of town official business re-inbursements for you mayor fairy, whoops I meant Tari. If you can’t do it in the city hall office with day old JJ’s bread for lunch then you are on your own. No zoup for you!

      1. The ordinance says submit a”pre-approval” form for travel expenses. Approval of 5 days for a 3 Day Conference?

  4. I just saw the update. The 2 extra nights should not be approved if the conference was for 3 nights.

      1. What Renner did is just plain wrong. He is a dishonest, self serving politician of the worst kind.

  5. Renner can’t get out of his own way. Even his staunchest supporters are questioning his priorities and inability to effectively lead. He acts like he doesn’t care at all.

  6. Oh, for the old days, when Tarry/Tari/Terry/Fairy whoever could be carried out on a rail in a torchlight parade and left on the outskirts of town. Surely someone could find a suitable fence rail on which to secure him so he doesn’t fall of like he did on his tricycle. It could be preceded by a day long festival of sorts and could possibly make some good money for the town as well. On a serious note, his continuing waste of the public’s money is a disgrace, and somehow, he needs to be permanently removed.

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