Illinois bills to kill more babies

By:  Diane Benjamin

The following bills are under consideration in Springfield.  Pritzker wants Illinois to be the abortion capital of the Midwest, taxpayers will be getting the bill.  One bill legalizes infanticide.  The other allows your child to get an abortion without your knowledge.

What you can do:

Join the rally in Springfield, IL against endangering young women, aborting babies in the 9th month, and attacks on religious freedom on Wednesday, March 20:

If you aren’t on Facebook, the rally is from 9:00 to 4:00 at the capital.

Share this information!

Contact your state rep and senator.

These bills are not yet “posted”.  Once they are, witness slips can be entered against them.  I will keep you advised.

4 thoughts on “Illinois bills to kill more babies

  1. Clearly the demonrats do not value the sanctity of life. Absolutely sickening that these types of bills are even considered let alone becoming law.

  2. Part of me is glad they are going too far now, hopefully more and more people will start waking up to what they really are. It’s no longer any R versus D sort of thing – it really is getting to be good versus evil now.

  3. I am very opposed to the two Illinois Abortion bills coming up tomorrow, March 6, 2019! Please vote NO for these two bills, HB2495 and HB 2467. I am a resident of Washington County, Illinois.

    I will also say, I am tired of being ruled by COOK,County, Illinois. Pass that on too!!!!

    Majo Bates

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