District 87 – August 2017 spending

By:  Diane Benjamin

The information I have looked at so far only creates more questions.  This is one:

This address is an auto repair shop.  Shop class?

903 croxton comcast

Conferences are huge, I don’t know why 2 went and one paid more:


Your property taxes at work:


Note:  The invoice says annual fee for 3 people.  Evidently paper isn’t good enough.

password keeper

Tech Fest.  Look at the VenuWorks charges!


Jim Peterson bought a lot of stuff like this, in previous months he also bought photography equipment:

ottamonsofa chair videophoto

Of course there was more food and this time cocktails: 

sept feed asept feedsept feedbsept feedbbsept feedcsept feeddsept feedesept feedfsept feedgsept feedhsept feedisept feedjsept food

See the entire month here:  09-2017

8 thoughts on “District 87 – August 2017 spending

  1. I enjoy page 6 of the pdf “Also reserve a district vehicle for me that day all day and don’t give me a piece of junk.” Bossy, bossy.

  2. I think maybe the different registration fees are that one is a member and one is not? I noticed it says member, handwritten, near the less expensive IAASE registration.

    This is making my head swim and my irritation rise. Yvonne


  3. Puts a new perspective on the next time we have “the don’t hurt the kids crocodile tears flowing” when they need more money.

  4. More fleecing of the taxpayer. My view on defining a “working lunch” and what policy should be.
    A working meal will be compensated no greater than GSA defined standards for year and location in question (as found at gsa.gov). For 2019 Bloomington, IL $13 breakfast, $14 lunch and $23 dinner.
    A) To qualify as a working leal the following must be true:
    1) The meal must occur outside of district 87 property and
    A) prior to and after said meal work must be performed to benefit of or help determine District 87 policy
    B) prior and after said meal the educating or transportation of students must occur.
    2) The meal must have a discussion of items that directly affect district 87
    B) A working meal will not be compensated on district 87 property. Exceptions to this would be:
    1) A meal on 6th or 7th day of a work week, if and only if that day is generally considered a day off.
    Work done on 6th or 7th day must directly benefit district 87. (example: Saturday band contest)
    (Generally Saturday or Sunday)
    2) A meal that occurs before or after normal business hours. Business hours defined as;
    A) Teachers and support staff 8am to 4pm
    B) High level management 9am-5pm
    C) In all cases the purpose of this meal and why it could not be performed during business hours must be
    Okay may seem a little draconian but remember…..
    Hell has no fury than a taxpayer screwed and bent over…..

    1. These are just common sense rules for how a well run and profitable business would treat “working lunches”. Of course when you are just given money and don’t have to be involved in making it…then you act like a spoiled rich kid.

  5. And not ONE has a “teacher appreciation” notation! Maybe these big spenders didn’t take math?? MAYBE teachers don’t get “appreciated”??

  6. And to know that District 87 fired Marc Tiritielli for trying to save them $50,000!!! As a fed up taxpayer who plans to move out of this state which treats government employees like royalty and the taxpayers like serfs… I hope you have all have a very, very short retirements!

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