Locals open mouth and insert foot

By: Diane Benjamin One lesson I learned years ago was:

Get the facts before writing

If you think facts come from the Main Stream Media you are wrong. They print propaganda for the Democrat Party, not truth. I’ve deleted many comments because quoting their facts is just what media wants you to do. Truth is available, just not from old media. I’m disappointed locals like Nikita Richards and the socialists jumped at blaming Trump and his supporters for the Washington violence. Facts matter, they didn’t bother getting them. Unlike reports, Trump did not incite violence. Hundred of thousands of people were in DC to demand election integrity. Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell were rumored to have been scheming a way to prevent challenges to the electoral college vote. You probably don’t know because media only claims courts have rejected cases, but NO court has heard a case or seen the affidavits signed under penalty of perjury by those who witnessed fraud. No court has heard a case against the States who changed their election laws without the approval of the legislature as required by the Constitution. All cases were summarily dismissed without being heard. The people that went to DC have no faith in the election and will never accept Joe Biden as President. If you believe a guy with dementia who didn’t campaign got more votes than Obama, the media has you right where they want you. Congrats. If the DC elite wanted to shut down dissent, how would they do it? Certainly not when Congress was meeting to hear evidence. They needed an event that scared the elected officials who weren’t in on the plan. There is video of men dressed as police taking down barriers and letting people into the capital. Of course media hasn’t shown those. A BLM leader was arrested. A very small number of the people who were in DC to demanded election integrity participated, some of them were Trump supporters likely incited by leftists that did infiltrate the event. The local group that took the bus trip wasn’t part of the lawbreakers. I’m sure media hasn’t reported the capital was infiltrated on one side while the majority of people were on the other side singing patriot songs and calling for a 10 day audit. The local socialists wanting GOP County Chair Connie Bear to resign are using the left’s playbook – Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Connie Beard advocated for election integrity as did David Paul Blumenshine and the entire bus load of people who went to DC. If half of the country doesn’t believe Biden will be a legitimate president, why is the left not demanding election integrity and a review of the multitude of anomalies that make people doubt the validity of 11/3? Do they want Biden and Harris both labeled illegitimate for 4 years? I have read a multitude of first hand accounts and watched many videos of people who were there. It is easy to see this was a staged event to end any discussion in Congress that could have effected the results. The proof is all debate ended when Congress resumed, the people who wanted answers were scared into submission.

Violence is never the answer, but now both sides are using this staged event to shut down conservative voices. Twitter and Facebook don’t realize those voices only gain strength when oppressed. Silencing Public Discourse is what socialist and communist countries do. Those locals calling for silencing Connie Beard or any of the bus trip participants prove the socialism they crave is un-American and violates the liberty on which this country was founded. I’m thrilled Richards and the socialists spoke up so we can see who they really are. Meanwhile, a few haters are surely screaming about me deleting comments. I refuse to allow media propaganda. I also refuse to battle with people who don’t want to find truth, it’s a useless waste of time. There are plenty of outlets for left wing talking points, it won’t be here. Will anything be proved or justice prevail?

Not in this America.

More speech is needed instead of less. All politics is local, but few bother to participate. Keep doing that and your kids will not grow up with freedom. Bloomington could turn socialist on April 6th, Normal has more hope of real representative government. It will be your choice.






31 thoughts on “Locals open mouth and insert foot

  1. I wish I could upload & send the post I got from Steve Harsh yesterday telling about the left-wing “hiring” Antifa members to dress like Trump supporters & storm the Capitol.  Perhaps you can contact Steve for it. Ron

  2. Ehhh. I’m a conservative, but this is a tough read. For weeks the fringe GOPers have been overtly lying to raise funds. It just went too damn far.

  3. I sure hope we don’t use the same machines for voting in April. I have little confidence that the input will honestly reflect the output. Whether Dominion, ES&S, Diebold, etc., I don’t believe we can rely on our actual votes to be honestly counted.

  4. BTW, now we know how the socialists and communists in local, county, state, and federal elections have gotten into office.

  5. This clearly shows that local and state elections should be priorities! We may not be able to change the politics of Washington. We can change our local government!
    School board members directly effect how children are taught or programmed. Local elections of city/town leaders need to be a priority if change is to happen. We can change our County. If these are changed maybe we have a chance of changing our state government. Changing state government may be difficult as certainly it only takes a few counties to override the rest of Illinois.

  6. From your post above, you said “Silencing Public Discourse is what socialist and communist countries do.” You also said “More speech is needed instead of less.”

    It is a shame that you’re deleting comments when the you so emphatically state that silencing discourse is un-American. If the response is “well Twitter and Facebook did it,” then you’re really no better than they are. But we’ve become an eye for an eye country rather than living the Christian values on which the United States was founded, so I shouldn’t be surprised.

    I have voted Republican for two decades and was disheartened to see the behavior incited by the leader of our party on Wednesday.

  7. If supporting a violent political ideology or group is all it takes to force someone to resign, then shouldn’t there have been a lot of resignations between the two city councils all summer long?

    Are they really this damn stupid that they don’t realize their methods will eventually be used against them?

  8. Evidently WordPress is attacking me for this post. This format is NOT what I wrote, this is what it was turned into. I can not edit the original to restore spacing and paragraphs. The left is determined to squash free speech.

    1. How is WordPress attacking you? This post and the site is still up. It seems like what you wrote is pretty much the format you usually write. I don’t see any difference in your existing layout or your usual content.

      1. If WordPress is hosting your site, then get in touch with their Tech Support. I’m sure they have a tech chat system where you can ask questions. Stating that WordPress is “messing” up the story “story” now, sounds extremely paranoid. All indications are that you can post your story and people are commenting on this story. Perhaps you need to stop jumping to conclusions that aren’t warranted.

    1. “The version I see now has no formatting and the draft information is gone.”

      Sorry that doesn’t mean that WordPress is “messing” with you. Perhaps it’s a question for your hosting site. As far as I can see you’re pretty much able to write what ever you want. If they actually had a problem with you content, I’m pretty sure they do more than mess with the formatting, like they would contact you about your content or totally delete it. They would then tell why something was deleted.

  9. We truly are at a tipping point but I think we will tip away from the democrat’s plans and desires.
    The social medias have monetized speech and become very rich and powerful. It should now be spelled $peech. It is a means of production now. The kind of thing Socialists love to control.

    The problem for them is until America does becomes Socialist we are free to speak with our feet. We can drop Twitter, Facebook, Apple, Google, the Pantagraph and the others that have become the protectors of the democrat’s power. But of course only as long as the democrats protect them Joe Biden. Lots of back scratching going on right now.

    For options to the companies who feel they have the power decide what is acceptable speech.
    In place of Twitter you can go to Parler.com but you’ll have to wait until next week some time. Amazon is shutting them down tonight because they claim they are inciting violence. Real reason? They are exploding with new users after Twitter banned the president for the same reason. Parler is threat to their monopoly and their benefactors the democrats.
    Facebook? who needs it.
    Google? try Duck Duck Go.
    Apple? There are other options. Don’t upgrade to the 12 or upgrade your software. (i don’t trust them any more).
    The pantagraph? BLN of course.

  10. Democrats have stripped away – Truth, Justice and the American way.
    The only thing that stands in their way now are the free market and one person, one vote.
    As you can see from recent events they are hard at work on those too.

    I think there are democrats left that remember what America is.

  11. The democrats have been infiltrated and taken over by the far left power seeking evil demon-rats. Overall it is a power grab. At his point it is good vs evil. I have faith that good will prevail. That said, good guy Trump has invoked the Insurrection Act. Things are about to become very interesting. Buckle up!

  12. So, WordPress is in on the conspiracy now? Having used WordPress quite extensively (it’s cumbersome), I would venture to guess it’s operator error, not a vast left-wing conspiracy of WordPress employees.

  13. It’s much worse than anyone can imagine. The Deep State has been working hand in glove with China, Russia, Iran and other actors since Trump won the election. Pelosi, Schumer and the usual media hounds are up to their nostrils in it. What is on the laptop according those in the know will bring charges for treason against many well-known politicos on both sides of the aisle. It includes not only the massive voter fraud efforts, but coordination by the Trump haters with Antifa, BLM, China foreign agents, CIA and FBI. Not me making the claims but it’s out their from reliable sources willing to look. Kinzinger should watch his P’s and Q’s in the future. May not have been involved but likely knew what was planned and going on the whole time. Flynn and McInerney know everything. It is why they went after Flynn. It is all beyond huge. Why Nancy wants to fast track impeachment again. The hag is a dishonest witch beyond reproach. Enjoy planned Communism.

  14. Nancy wants another impeachment because if it works “good” for her and her minions, Trump will not be able to run for any Federal office in the future. Her effort to keep Trump from running again in 2024. Another witch’s brew being stirred.

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